Reflections & Prayers

As you prepare for this morning’s service to begin, you are invited to
reflect on the following…

“Show me that you are redeemed, and I will believe in your Redeemer.”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“The best remedy for a sick church is to put it
on a missionary diet.”
~ Oswald Smith

What do you think of when you hear the word “abide” or “remain?”
Are these things that come naturally to you, or do they take active
effort on your part?

Things to pray for this week…

We give thanks for the service of all former PCC mission staff who
worked with the church outside of Canada in creative and
courageous ways and often under difficult circumstances.

We pray for for the congregation fo St. John’s Presbyterian Church in
Belfast, PEI as they move through the discrnment process of seeking
a new minister.

We pray for people living in long-term care facilities, that
they may continue to be engaged participants in the life
and ministry of a congregation.