Church Membership: Are you thinking about taking the next step in your journey of faith? Have you ever considered making a public profession of your faith by officially joining the church? In a day-and-age when people are becoming less and less willing to officially join things (political parties, social clubs, etc.), joining the church has certainly become a counter-cultural statement – to clearly say “This is where I belong and this is what I believe.” If you are curious about what this might look like, please speak with Rev Brad to discuss with you both what it means and what it entails!
Upcoming Events
Wed, Dec 18 Choir Practice 6:30
Thurs, Dec 19 KD Lunch 11:00
Christmas Eve Young Children Service 5:00 pm
Christmas Eve Traditional Worship Service 6:30 pm
You’ll find our “giving tree” in the lobby again this year. Our budget deficit to the end of October, 2024 was $20,296.21 including the cost of two building related expenses. With that in mind, we have set our target for this year’s fundraising goal at $20,000. If we are successful, we would cover our operating expenses for 2024 and hopefully have a small surplus to carry into January 2025. To donate, you can leave an envelope with your name on it in the offering, drop by the office or simply send a etransfer to We have a new feature to add to our tree this year. We would like to invite you to hang a star in memory of someone special, who is particularly missed this time of year, regardless of whether you use the donation ornaments or not. It would be a gentle reminder to everyone of people no longer with us, but who still shine in our memories. We would like to thank you for this year’s ongoing support and wish you and your families all the best of the Christmas season.
Sincerely, your Finance and Property Committee.
What a joyful event following this week’s service! Fellowship & celebration as we welcomed a couple of members of our church family who have recently become Canadian citizens. Congratulations to Eloiza and Tina!
Easiest Bake Sale in the World Update!
Well Done Folks!
We raised $648.95, the funds will be donated to Presbyterian World Service & Development.
Come join the fun as we gather to serve Kraft Dinner & Cookies to the students of Three Oaks. The sign up sheets are at located at the front entrance. We would love to see you. Remember as a kid how you loved cookies, things have not changed! We are always looking for donations of cookies, please drop some of if you are able.
Thanks so much for supporting this mission project!
Have you signed up to receive emails from the church? It’s a quick and easy way to stay connected with your church family! Speak to Rev. Brad or our church administrator Cheri for more information