Rev Brad’s Message

March 8

Good morning everyone!

I just wanted to send a quick note and touch bae about what’s happening at worship this weekend.

But before I do, I want to say a HUGE thank you to all those who took part in this year’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! It was a wonderful evening. The food was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful! Thank you to all those who helped organize, to those in the kitchen  who were preparing and cooking food, to those who served and to those who brought in desserts! All of your efforts made for a memorable evening! Finally, thank you to all those who came out to enjoy the meal and, by doing so, showed your ongoing support of the church’s ministry!


We all know that stories are powerful. Perhaps that is why Jesus turned to stories so often as a way to teach important truths and raise provocative questions. This year, throughout the season of Lent, we will be exploring some of Jesus’ most well-loved (and most challenging!) parables. Our sermon series – Stories Jesus Still Tells – begins this week with the parables of The Pharisee & the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14). After the message we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Communion.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Don’t forget that the time changes tonight!


Looking ahead to Friday evening, everyone is encouraged to join us at the church (Friday, March 14) at 5:30 pm for another PIzza & Games Night! The theme of the evening will be St. Patrick’s Day so wear green if you have it!

That’s it for now. I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad

January 28, 2025

Good evening to all of the friends and members of Summerside Presbyterian Church,

It’s with deep sadness that I send you this message but I thought you should be aware of a number of deaths that have occurred recently within our church family.

On Thursday of last week Ella Simmons passed away at Andrew’s of Parkwest in Charlottetown. Her funeral service is scheduled for Thursday morning (11 am) here at the church. More information can be found here:

The next day Laura Paynter, a former Clerk of Session for SPC, was called home. Her funeral service is planned for Wednesday morning (11 am) at the church. More information can be found here:

And last night Sharon Montgomery passed away at the Prince County Hospital. Many of you will remember Sharon for her incredible smile as she sang each week in the choir. A Celebration of Life is being planned for Friday afternoon (3:30 pm) at the church. Further details can be found here:

In addition to these, Ina MacLennan’s nephew Rev. Wensell MacLeod recently passed away, as did Andre Celliers’ mother.

In times of loss and hardship it is important for our church family to come together and draw strength and encouragement from each other. I know that you will hold each of these families in your prayers.


Rev. Brad

December 22, 2024

🎶 …I’m dreaming of a white Christmas…🎶

Well! What a morning to wake up to! There are few things that can help bring on that Christmas spirit more than a big snowfall just a few days before Christmas! I hope you’ve got your shovels ready, because we may have to dig out before we are able to make it to church on Sunday, but it will be well worth it. I say that because on Sunday we are going to hear the story of how Mary responds to the message that she will give birth to a son (Luke 1:39-56). Both her actions, and the song she sings in response, are a good reminder of the real significance of the birth of Christ! I think everyone should be reminded of Mary’s words as they prepare to celebrate Christmas! I hope you will be able to join us!

{Just in case things don’t clear up enough by Sunday morning for safe traveling, if we need to cancel Sunday’s service it will be posted on the church’s webpage at 

It will also be listed among other cancelations on our local radio stations.}


This year we have two opportunities for worshiping on Christmas Eve – one at 5 pm and the other at 6:30 pm.

Our early service is designed with children and young families in mind. At this half-hour service, children are encouraged to come and worship, bringing with them all of their excitement and enthusiasm as these are essential to the way in which children worship.

Our later service more closely resembles a traditional Christmas Eve service. Through scripture readings and carol singing, we will be given the chance to reflect on how the well-known story of Jesus’ birth can continue to inspire hope, peace, joy and love within us!

I hope that as you finalize your plans for Christmas Eve, you will include an opportunity to join us at either (or both!) of these services.


I recently met with a member of our congregation who expressed to me that one of the primary reasons they attend our church is because of the encouragement and support they receive from the other members. Hearing comments like that makes my heart smile! One of the most positive aspects of our church family is the community that has been formed with each other over the years. We laugh together, cry together and grow together.

Through shared meals together, evenings spent playing games over pizza or simp;y showing up at each other’s birthday parties, in all of these activities we show each other just how much we care for one another! Gifts given to the church at this time of year do so much more than just “keep the lights on,” they help foster a community in which we can truly act out our love for one another!

Our “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby and we are inviting everyone to consider giving an additional gift to the church this holiday season. There are different coloured bulbs available, each representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold =$500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the coloured bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 3Z2 or e-transfer to

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!

I think that’s all for now.

I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

December 15, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Wow! Look at that sunshine and blue skies! Isn’t this weather a welcome change for our spirits! As we move into the weekend, I have lots to share with you.


As we do each year on the third Sunday of Advent, this week we light the candle representing JOY, as we celebrate the nearness of Christmas! As a part of our joyful celebration, we are going to be watching a play as members of the congregation reenact the Christmas story. I hope that everyone will be able to come out and support Debbie in her “directorial debut” as they present “JESUS IS BORN!” This service promises to be lots of fun and is not one to be missed!


After this joyful service, plan to stay and join us for a time of fellowship and celebration as we welcome a couple of members of our church family who have recently become Canadian citizens!

At the same time, there will be tables set up in one area of the hall for our annual Easiest Bake Sale in the World! Folks are encouraged to bring their baked goods to church with them, already packaged. Everything will be placed on tables in the Fellowship Hall. Nothing will be priced. Everything is by donation, money and cheques will be put into a jar, change can be made if necessary. Proceeds will be donated to Presbyterian World Service & Development.


Many of us grew up having to memorize the opening question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The catechism opens by asking “What is the chief end of man?” In other words, “What is our purpose as people? What were we created for?” The answer given is that we were created “to glorify God and to enjoy God forever”! Perhaps the single most important thing we do as followers of Jesus is to gather with others for worship. The church exists for this very purpose – to praise God.We have no higher calling!

Here at Summerside Presbyterian, we continue to be blessed week after week by worship that comforts us, inspires us, and yes, sometimes even challenges us! It seems that each week I hear from members of our church family who express to me how, through my messages and the beautiful music provided by Ruth Ann and our choir, their spirits are lifted in joyful praise of the God who created us and loves us!

When you give to support the ministry of SPC, your gifts help to ensure that we will be able to continue worshiping with the same level of excellence that we have come to appreciate over the past number of years.

Our “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby and we are inviting everyone to consider giving an additional gift to the church this holiday season. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 2G5 or e-transfers to

This year we have added a new feature to our tree. Located beside the donation ornaments you will find a box containing some small wooden stars. We would like to invite you to hang a star in memory of someone special, who is particularly missed this time of year. Please write their name on one of the stars and hang it on the tree, regardless of whether you use the donation ornaments or not. It would be a gentle reminder to everyone of people no longer with us, but who still shine in our memories.


I know that many of us have already started planning what our Christmas Eve’s will look like. I hope that as you make your plans, you will include an opportunity to join us for worship at either (or both) of our Christmas Eve services. This year the services are scheduled for 5 pm and 6:30 pm.

Our early service is designed with children and young families in mind. At this half-hour service, children are encouraged to come and worship, bringing with them all of their excitement and enthusiasm as these are essential to the way in which children worship.

Our later service more closely resembles a traditional Christmas Eve service. Through scripture readings and carol singing, we will be given the chance to reflect on how the well-known story of Jesus’ birth can continue to inspire hope, peace, joy and love within us!

That’s all for now.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

December 8, 2024 Part 2

Oops! I hit “SEND” too soon. One last thing, don’t forget that this Sunday is White Gift Sunday. If you are able, bring a gift wrapped in white and place it under our Giving Tree in the foyer. You are encouraged to add a tag to your gift stating what age range the gift is suitable for. These gifts will be redistributed to families in need through the Salvation Army.

White Gift Sunday reminds us that people of all ages can contribute in the spirit of giving, and that all gifts are offerings of love, no matter the value.

See you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 8, 2024

Happy Friday Everyone!

We’ve got a busy weekend around the church. Here is what you need to know!


Our annual Cookies & Christmas event is happening TOMORROW MORNING! HOw exciting?! Join us at the church from 10 -12 pm for a fun (and delicious!) way to get into the Christmas spirit. Everyone, young and old alike, are encouraged to come out and enjoy this time of fun, fellowship and cookies as together we celebrate the beginning of the Advent season!


During Sunday’s service we will be meeting a key Advent character in the person of John the Baptist. Listening to John’s message of repentance (John 3:1-18), we will think about how his message might be related to the Advent theme of PEACE.


It is hard to ignore the many challenges our world is facing right now: armed conflicts seem to be erupting in various places, natural disasters and extreme weather events threaten the wellbeing of communities, food scarcity and rising grocery prices continue to challenge families – young and old alike! Did you know that when you give to support the on-going ministry fo SPC, you are making it possible for God to continue working through our church family to help bring peace to those in distress?

God is always at work through our mission efforts, whether it be our contributions to Presbyterian World Service & Development, our food drives for the local food bank, or our ongoing KD Lunch program. All of these efforts help to manifest peace in the midst of these challenging times.

Following on the success of previous years, once again the white “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 2G5 or e-transfers to

This year we have added a new feature to our tree. Located beside the donation ornaments you will find a box containing some small wooden stars. We would like to invite you to hang a star in memory of someone special, who is particularly missed this time of year. Please write their name on one of the stars and hang it on the tree, regardless of whether you use the donation ornaments or not. It would be a gentle reminder to everyone of people no longer with us, but who still shine in our memories.

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 1, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Tomorrow we enter the busy month of December! Here at the church we have a couple of things planned that will help you get your Advent season started off on the right foot!


This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent! We will be lighting our first advent candle representing HOPE. We will be hearing an ancient reading from the writings of the “weeping prophet” Jeremiah (Jeremiah 33:14-16) and our message – “Seeing Through Tears” – will challenge us to reconsider how we see the world around us.

Later in the service we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. Because taking part in the Lord’s Supper is something that everyone is invited to do at SPC, our children will be rejoining us later in the service for that special occasion. I hope everyone will be able to join us!


On Sunday afternoon there is a Community Carol Sing being held at 3 pm at Trinity United Church. In addition to the Trinity’s choir, participants also include the Silvertones and our very own SPC choir! Everyone is invited to join in the singing of familiar carols. Bring along your family and friends for a great time of music and celebrating!


So many seniors find this to be a very lonely time of year. Those confined to long-term care homes often feel isolated from friends and family. Something as simple as receiving a pretty Christmas card can brighten one’s spirits. Volunteers will be gathering in the church hall on Thursday afternoon (December 5th) from 2-3 pm to write out Christmas cards which will be delivered to local manor residents. I encourage anyone who is interested in taking part to come and join us!


I’m so excited to let you know our annual Cookies & Christmas event is happening one week from today, on Saturday, December 7th here at the church from 10 – 12 pm! If you are looking for a fun (and delicious!) way to get in the Christmas spirit, join us for a time of fun, fellowship and cookies for young and old alike, as together we celebrate the beginning of the Advent season.


As we move into the month of December, we are entering the season of giving. Of course, we like to give thoughtful gifts to those closest to us: family members and close friends. Some even like to give a little something to those we may not get to thank at other times of the year: a special teacher, the mail carrier, the person who cuts your hair. But this year, as you make your list of gifts to be given, have you considered a gift to the church?

Gifts given to the church at this time of year help ensure that we will be able to continue the incredible ministry that happens through this faith community – things like our children’s ministry. These gifts help to share our faith with our children, giving them all they need to live as faithful followers of Jesus in their ever-changing world. I can’t think of a more profound act of hope than to invest in the faith of the next generation!

Following on the success of previous years, once again the white “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 2G5 or e-transfers to

This year we have added a new feature to our tree. Located beside the donation ornaments you will find a box containing some small wooden stars. We would like to invite you to hang a star in memory of someone special, who is particularly missed this time of year. Please write their name on one of the stars and hang it on the tree, regardless of whether you use the donation ornaments or not. It would be a gentle reminder to everyone of people no longer with us, but who still shine in our memories.

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!

I think that’s all for now!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

November 24, 2024

Good morning everyone!

What a wet and messy couple of weeks we have had, and it seems like this weekend isn’t going to be much different. Luckily here at Summerside Presbyterian, we have some fun activities to help lift your spirits.


It begins this afternoon with a pot luck supper. Join us at 4:30 pm at the church for some food, fellowship and fun. Be sure to bring along your favourite dish and invite your family and friends. I hope to see you here!


Then tomorrow morning you can join us for our weekly worship service. This Sunday is designated as The Reign of Christ Sunday and is the last Sunday in the church’s liturgical calendar. It provides the church with an opportunity to think about what it means to make the claim that Jesus is Lord of all. We will be hearing a portion of a vision that John had in which he reaffirms that despite all of the chaos and suffering he sees around him, that Christ is still in charge. (Revelation 1:4-8). This may just be a message that many of us today need to hear!

I hope everyone has a safe (and dry!) weekend!


Rev. Bradford Blaikie

October 27, 2024

Hello Everyone!

Here we are approaching the last weekend of October! Isn’t that hard to believe?! It is shaping up to be a busy weekend around the church so here is what you need to know!


The weekend begins with gathering here at the church on Friday evening (5:30 pm) for Pizza & Games! Why bother cooking on a Friday evening when you could come to the church for supper and enjoy a time of fun, food and fellowship? One of my favourite things is when our church family – of all ages – is able to gather and spend time together. We have lots of games here or you can bring your favourites from home. If you think you would like to attend, just contact Debbie (902) 888-8799 so that she knows how much pizza to order. However, if you forget to call her and remember at the last minute that you were hoping to attend, come along anyway! There is always lots for everyone! Also, you are invited to wear your favourite Halloween costume!


Many churches around the world designate the final Sunday of October as “Reformation Sunday”. On Sunday we are going to hear the stories of two individuals, one named Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) and another named Martin. Even though historically they are separated by centuries, they still may have more in common than we first realize. Make sure you join us to hear about the stories of their lives, and to reflect upon the great truth of the Gospel that we can be reminded of through them.


Sunday afternoon we are VERY excited to be hosting a Gospel Concert by Dino and the Harmonies! Starring two locals: Garth Proude & Steve Perry, this Gaither-style concert will include many of our Gospel favourites with lots of opportunities to sing along! Things get underway at 2 pm. Tickets are $15 for adults and 12 and under are free. Phone (902) 436-7776 for more information. We look forward to seeing you there!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

October 6, 2024

Good morning everyone!

The first Saturday of October looks like it is going to be a rainy one, but that’s ok. We will enjoy it all the same! Here is what is happening around the church this weekend.


This Sunday is World Communion Sunday – a day which sees followers of Jesus around the world, of multiple races, ethnicities and languages, celebrate the Lord’s Supper. While wandering around online this week I came across a thought-provoking little reflection on the webpage of First Baptist Church in Martinsville, Virginia. I thought that it was worth sharing with you!

“I think the implications of World Communion Sunday should invigorate our remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. Christ didn’t come just for a small subset of people in the United States (or Canada!) who look like us and talk like us, but he came to usher in God’s holy reign among us all of us, around the world. And each culture remembers Christ in their own language, their own form. 

The truth of World Communion Sunday can be found as all over the world, people gather this Sunday to break bread and share the cup of salvation. And while they all remember the same Person and the same sacrifice, they will speak Spanish, English, French, Russian, Mandarin… and so many more. God, whose essence reaches beyond the limits of our minds, can be found hovering among people groups all over the world, and even multiple cultures in our country.

Just up the road, churches will celebrate communion in various languages and formats. Some will tear bread from a loaf and dip it in a cup. Some will receive a wafer and sip from a chalice. Some, like us, will receive the bread and cup in small servings… Some will partake of wine, others of grape juice. But we will all be remembering this same holy understanding: God came to be among us, chose to suffer alongside us, taught us important truths about how we should live our lives, and ultimately was killed and overcame death with new life so that we all might live more fully, from now until forever. 

I hope that we always remember that the table of God’s banquet is wide and long. It isn’t made up of all “respectable” people – it’s made up of misfits and people in various stages of a journey (Matthew 22:1-10). Jesus welcomes all – outcasts, sinners, the poor, the rich, the hated, and the loved. And it is this communion we celebrate this Sunday and every time we gather over the Lord’s Table.

I hope you will join us for our service of worship and communion on World Communion Sunday, and I hope its significance reminds us that our own table should be wide and long, and that if Christ is making space, we also should make space for the last and the least and all those who would come seeking new life.

Our future as a community of faith depends on embracing this truth of sacrifice and hope in new, innovative, and profoundly different ways in the coming years. Just as the table of Christ adapts to our cultures, living into all forms of love and communion around the world, so we too must adapt to love our community in new ways as we seek to host a heavenly banquet of all people, whatever their circumstances, in our own worship space.

I leave you with a poem… written by the artist Jan Richardson, to remind us how important it is that Christ’s table is wide, and ours should be too.”


And the table will be wide.

And the welcome will be wide.

And the arms will open wide to gather us in.

And our hearts will open wide to receive.


And we will come as children who trust there is enough.

And we will come unhindered and free.

And our aching will be met with bread. 

And our sorrow will be met with wine.


And we will open our hands to the feast without shame.

And we will turn toward each other without fear. 

And we will give up our appetite for despair.

And we will taste and know of delight.


And we will become bread for a hungering world.

And we will become drink for those who thirst.

And the blessed will become the blessing.

And everywhere will be the feast.

Reflecting on this week’s scripture reading, Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12, we will be thinking about what it means to be members of Christ’s family. I hope everyone will be able to attend this special service. Following the service, plan to stay and join for a time of coffee and fellowship. I look forward to seeing you there!


Just a reminder of our ongoing annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. Non-perishable food items can be brought to church and left underneath our Giving Tree. What a great way to bless those in our community who need a little help!

Here is a list of suggested items that the food bank are looking for:

  • Canned Corn
  • Canned Peas
  • Mixed Vegetables
  • Canned Pasta (Ravioli, ABC’S, etc.)
  • Hamburger Helper
  • SideKicks
  • Cheese Whiz
  • Jam
  • Chunky Soup and Stew
  • Canned Milk
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Instant Coffee
  • Children’s Lunch Items
  • Mr. Noodle
  • Bear Paws

If it is easier, you can also make a cash donation and we will do the shopping for you. Donations can be dropped off at the church office or e-transferred to If sending an e-transfer, just remember to indicate that it is for our Thanksgiving Food Drive.

That’s all for now. Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

September  29, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Welcome to the long weekend! I have lots of news to share with you this morning:


This Sunday is Presbyterians Sharing Sunday – a day to celebrate the generosity of Presbyterians across Canada using gifts given by God to carry out Christ’s ministry in our communities and around the world. Together, we build strong congregations, serve people, walk with Indigenous people, seek justice and share God’s love around the world.

As we focus on the ministry that happens through The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s national budget, a special interactive sermon outlining the Apostle Paul’s trip to Rome (Acts 27) will have us thinking about how his experiences mirror the life of faith. I hope you will be able to join us!


As you know, Monday, September 30th is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, which began as Orange Shirt Day, a Survivor-led movement lifting up the need for reconciliation and honouring all the Indigenous children who were taken to residential schools.

The Presbyterian Church in Canada’s website reminds us that “Though the residential school system was in operation for over a hundred years, the roots of Orange Shirt Day began in 1973, when six-year old Phyllis Webstad entered the St. Joseph Mission Residential School in B.C. Young Phyllis was wearing a brand-new and beloved orange shirt for her first day of school, but those running the school took her shirt and replaced it with the school’s institutional uniform. The loss of an orange shirt has become symbolic of all that was taken from children at the schools – their language, culture, family and community relationships, safety, security, identity, and sometimes even their lives. 

As Canadians and as members of a church that ran 12 residential schools, we bear a collective responsibility to work for truth, for healing from the harms of intergenerational trauma and racism that we helped cause, and to seek justice for Indigenous peoples.”

In addition to wearing an orange shirt to worship on Sunday if you have one, I would encourage you to take some time exploring the many resources that our church has compiled. Learning about, and listening to, the experiences of Canada’s Indigenous peoples is a significant step in moving forward along the road of healing and reconciliation. You can find those resources by following this web address:


A reminder of our ongoing Thanksgiving Food Drive. This week Wendy reached out to Major Paul Blake of The Salvation Army and received a list of items that are most needed:

  • Canned Corn
  • Canned Peas
  • Mixed Vegetable
  • Canned Pasta (Ravioli, ABC’S)
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Side Kicks
  • Cheese Whiz
  • Jam
  • Chunky Soup and Stew
  • Canned Milk
  • Instant Oatmeal
  • Instant Coffee
  • Kids Lunch Items
  • Mr. Noodle
  • Bear Paws

These items, or any other non-perishable food item, can be brought with you to the church and placed under our Giving Tree. Also, if it is easier, you can make a cash donation and we will do the shopping for you. Donations can be dropped off at the office or e-transferred to If sending an e-transfer, just remember to indicate that it is for our Thanksgiving Food Drive.


It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that Jennie Matthews passed away on Wednesday. Her service is planned for Monday morning at 11 am at the East Prince Funeral Home chapel. Her obituary can be found at:

I know you will keep her family and loved ones in your prayers during these challenging days.

Now on a final note, it is with joy and excitement that I share with you that one of our SPC elders, Greg Walker, is getting married! Our prayers are with Greg and Crystal McNeill as they exchange their vows on Sunday afternoon at the church. We wish them all of God’s richest blessings as they move forward and begin this new chapter together! Congratulations to them!

I think that is all I have to share with you for now.

I hope to see you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

September 21, 2024

Good morning everyone!

What an exciting weekend around Summerside Presbyterian! Here’s what you need to know:


In Mark’s Gospel we are told that even after Jesus has tried to explain to his disciples about his upcoming arrest and sufferings, they were still preoccupied with questions of greatness. In response he placed a child among them and said, “Whoever welcomes these little children in my name welcomes me” (Mark 9:30-37)  I wonder what he meant… Our service this Sunday will give us an opportunity to reflect upon what it might look like for the church today to “welcome” children.


After the service plan to stay and join us for our annual “Welcome Back” Fall Picnic! Everyone is invited to bring sandwiches or sweets to share and plan to stay for a time of food, fun and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to catch up with members of our church family who we may not have seen over the winter months. I hope you will be able to join us!


Also, just a reminder that our Fall Food Drive is now underway! Bring along a non-perishable food item to place under our “Giving Tree.” These items will be taken to the Food Bank to help with the incredible ministry that happens there. We have already seen a great response as this project began last week, and I know that your kindness and generosity will continue to overflow in the weeks to come! Keep up the great work!


One final thing that I want to draw your attention to. Here at SPC we believe that worship should be something that everyone can fully participate in. As you enter the sanctuary this week you may notice that our accessible seating section has been moved from the back of the sanctuary closer to the front. This is to ensure that anyone who comes to worship requiring the assistance of a wheelchair (which we have for those who may need it!) are able to sit near the front, not missing all that there is to see and hear during the service. This is just another way of how we are continually working to ensure that worship is a meaningful experience for all who walk through our doors!

I think that’s all for now. I hope everybody has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad

September 8, 2024

Good morning everyone!

I recently read a quote that said, “September is the month of renewal, a time to harvest dreams and plant new seeds of hope”. How true! Here at Summerside Presbyterian we are gearing up for a great Fall – one filled with learning, sharing, and praising God together! In that spirit, I am excited to share with you some news about upcoming events.


Throughout his ministry, Jesus said many things that both challenged and confused his disciples. This week’s Gospel reading, Mark 8:27-38, contains one of those sayings. When Jesus warns the crowds that have been following him if they want to be his disciples, they must “deny themselves and take up their cross and follow him,” what exactly did he mean? And furthermore, what implications does this command have for us today?  As we settle back into our Fall routines, I look forward to welcoming you back to worship!


Our local AMS group – The Circle of Joy – has their first meetings planned for Tuesday, September 17 at the church (1:30 pm). This group spends time learning about and supporting different mission initiatives throughout the Maritimes and beyond. This group is open to any and all who have a heart for missions and they are always looking to welcome new participants! You can speak to myself or Marilyn Bigger if you would like more information.


Next Sunday is officially the first Sunday in the season of Fall. To celebrate we will be having our annual Welcome Back Fall Picnic! Bring sandwiches or sweets to share and plan to stay for a time of food, fun and fellowship. This is a great opportunity to catch up with members of our church family who we may not have seen over the summer months. Make sure you mark it on your calendars!

That’s all for now.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad

Oops! I forgot to mention that our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive begins this week! 

Bring along a non-perishable food item to place under our “Giving Tree”.

These items will be taken to the Food Bank to help with the incredible ministry that happens there.

Now, that’s all for now… I think! 😆

Rev. Brad

June 23, 2024

Good morning everyone!

As we officially enter the first weekend of summer, there are still quite a few exciting things happening in our church family. Here is what you need to know for this weekend!


The service this week marks the closing of this year’s Sunday School program and our annual SPC Summer Picnic!

During the service we will be recognizing and celebrating our students and all those who are graduating and moving forward into a new stage of the journey. We will listen to some of the wisdom that Paul shared with the believers in Colossae and reflect on how his advice to them might continue to be applicable to us today! (selected verses of Colossians 3)

The service will be intergenerational and we look forward to the participation of our youngest members as they share with us some of the cool things they have been working on downstairs.

After the service there will be a time of lunch and fellowship. You are invited to bring sandwiches or sweets to share and plan to join us for this time of fun and fellowship!


Looking ahead to this Friday (June 28th at 7 pm), everyone is encouraged to join us for an evening of music featuring the Silvertones under the direction of Christa McDougall and accompanied by Karen Brennan on piano. Also featuring Ivan Tapel, pianist and graduate of the University of Toronto. Admission by donation. This promises to be a great evening of music and I hope you will be able to join us!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

June 2, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Welcome to the first weekend of June! It’s hard to believe it is here already! Here is some information for this weekend.


Tomorrow the highest court of our church gathers for opening worship in Waterloo, Ontario. The “General Assembly” consists of commissioners from across the country who meet for 5 days to discern and make decisions regarding the life and ministry of The Presbyterian Church in Canada. In light of this, Sunday has been designated as “General Assembly Sunday”. During our service we will be exploring the idea of growing and learning new things, even when that means changing our minds and letting go of some of the things we used to believe.

Sundaes for Camp! After the service, everyone is encouraged to join us in the Fellowship Hall to create some yummy sundaes in support of Camp Keir! Come and load up your ice cream with your favourite toppings; if you are able, make a donation of your choosing to help support the ministry of Camp Keir, all while enjoying some wonderful fellowship! I hope to see you there!


Meals on Wheels is currently looking for drivers for Wedgewood Manor to seniors. The Wedgewood Manor Coordinator has gone over and above to make sure that our seniors are receiving their daily meals, but she needs your help!  She is carrying a heavy load. They are in need of volunteer drivers right away. One hour, one day per week or daily can make a big difference in the lives of seniors in our community. If you can help or would like more information, please contact Arlene McKenna at (902) 303-9553.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

May 26, 2024

Good morning!

I just want to take a moment and share with you what is being planned for worship tomorrow.


The focus of tomorrow’s message – Wild is the Wind – is an interaction that Jesus has with a Pharisee named Nicodemus (John 3:1-17). We will consider Nicodemus’ spiritual journey and how the Holy Spirit might have been at work in his life, and ours!

Since I had to be away last week, our service tomorrow will also incorporate some of the things we had initially planned for Pentecost Sunday. We will be celebrating of the sacrament of Communion and our children will be staying in through the service and worshiping with us.

Fellowship Time: Following the service there is a time of fellowship being planned.  As some of you may have already  heard, this will be Rev. Linda Berdan’s last Sunday with us as she prepares to move to Ontario with her sister. I hope everyone will be able to join us as we say goodbye Rev. Linda and surround her with our love and our prayers as she heads out on this new venture.

I hope to see you tomorrow!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 27, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Happy Saturday! Here is what’s happening this weekend:


This Sunday has been designated as Mission Awareness Sunday – an opportunity to reflect on the meaning and importance of Christian missions, while also highlighting some of the incredible work that happens through various mission-focused groups such as the AMS.

Last week Jesus referred to himself as the “Good Shepherd” – an image meant to reassure and bring comfort to his anxious followers. This week he calls himself the vine and refers to his disciples as the branches (John 15:1-8). What a strange metaphor! While it is easy to see that his reference to shepherds was intended to highlight God’s care, what is he trying to say by speaking about vines, branches and bearing fruit? In our message – “Bearing Fruit Together” – we will explore what his words meant to those that first heard them, and how they might continue to influence our lives today.


Following the service, our focus on missions will continue as we are having another Baked Potato Bar! This fundraiser for Presbyterian World Service & Development is always a big hit! Come and load up your baked potato with your favourite toppings and enjoy the fellowship of having lunch together. Donations will be received to help support the amazing work that Christ continues to do through PWS&D! I hope to see you there!

I think that’s everything for now. I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 21 , 2024

Good morning everyone!

I have some exciting information to share with you about things happening at SPC this weekend:


The fourth Sunday of Easter is designated as “Good Shepherd Sunday”. As we reflect on Jesus’ claim that he is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18), we will think about what it is, exactly, that makes the “Good Shepherd” good and what implications his example might have for us.


On Sunday afternoon we are excited to welcome the Amabile Singers to SPC!

A note received from Ruth Ann says:

To friends at SPC,

You are invited to a concert, ‘To Spring’, which will be held at SPC this coming Sun, April 21st, beginning at 2:30!

PEI’s Amabile Singers will be singing several pieces celebrating spring and love. Special guests will be Holly MacDonald, Emi Smith and Megan Smith, all from the S’side/Kensington area, and currently studying music at UPEI.  

A portion of admissions received will be going to the local Foodbank.

Admission is $15. Concert is free to children 12 and under. 

All are welcome!

This sounds like it is going to be a great afternoon of music so please make plans to join us!


I have received notice that the Salvation Army is currently looking for help. They are looking for churches to create a team of 5-6 people to help serve in the soup kitchen from 11-1 pm Tuesdays & Fridays. Once you have a team, email

They are also in need of an on-call cook to help when their regular cook is unavailable. Major Elaine Braye would love to hear from you if this is something you are interested in. You can reach her at the email listed above.

I think that is it for now.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 6, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Here is what’s happening around Summerside Presbyterian Church.


This Sunday our celebration of Easter continues! Last week we heard Mark’s account of what took place on that resurrection morning (Mark 16:1-8). As part of our reflections, I had mentioned Mark’s abrupt ending and how some early scribes later added on different endings. This week we will be hearing one of those endings (Mark 16:9-19) and our message – Poison, Power, & Promises – will focus on how to approach passages like this (hint hint: there are others as well!) and whether God can still speak to the church today through them. I hope you will be able to join us!


Camping season will soon be upon us! One of the ways our presbytery’s Camp Committee is preparning is by hosting a fundraising Ham & Scallop Potato Dinner at the camp on April 27th. There will be two settings (4 & 5:30 pm) as well as takeouts available at 5 pm. The cost is $20 for adults and $12 for children 10 and under. You will need to indicate which setting (or take-out) you would like when you purchase your tickets. All tickets will be presold and the deadline is is April 20th. You can book your tickets by emailing You can e-transfer to pay for your tickets at this email address as well. When sending an e-transfer, please use the question: “When is the dinner”. Answer: “April27”.

Also, the camp is now accepting registration for Summer Camp. Please go to their website In order to receive the Early Bird discount you must be registered before June 1st.


Would you like to be more involved? We are always looking for people who are willing to participate in the life of our church family. Maybe you would like to read scripture or serve as a greeter? Perhaps you have an interest in learning to run the slides for a Sunday service? Or maybe you have always wanted to join the choir? Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss some of the ways that you can help serve within the church!

That is all for now.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

March 24, 2024

Good morning everyone!

Welcome to another weekend. As we prepare to enter Holy Week, here is what you need to know about our upcoming services:


Holy Week begins tomorrow with Palm Sunday, the annual celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. But as we reflect on the story as Mark tells it (Mark 11:1-11) was it really as triumphant a moment as we often make it out to be? Everyone is invited to join us as our message – Donkeys & Palms – explores that question.

Later in the service we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. Children will be staying in worship as together we come to the Lord’s Table to be fed. I hope that you will be able to join us for this very special service.


This year we are excited to once again join with our friends from Trinity United Church for Maundy Thursday & Good Friday services.

Maundy Thursday will be held at SPC on Thursday evening at 7:30 pm. During the service we will hear the story of the last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before his arrest.

The following morning we will gather at Trinity United Church (90 Spring St.) at 10:30 am for a Good Friday service.

Attending these services and hearing again the details of Jesus’ final hours will serve to make our celebration of Easter that much more meaningful! I hope you will be able to attend them!


I realize that even though the sun is currently shining, it is not supposed to stay that way. The latest forecast that I saw suggested that beginning this afternoon Summerside could see up to 15 cm of snow before turning to rain or freezing rain overnight, then back to snow in the morning. I will keep my eye on how things develop but if a decision is made that it is not safe to travel to worship I will send out an email in the morning. It will also be posted on the church website

Finally, I want to end by saying thank you to all those who have reached out to Lacey and I over the past week with expressions of sympathy on the passing of Lacey’s mother. It certainly has been a difficult time, but in the midst of our grief we felt God’s grace as it was manifested through the love and care we received from our church family. Thank you!

I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

March 10, 2024

Good morning everyone!

I’ve got lots of exciting things to share with you this morning!


This week our Lenten journey through  Exodus continues by looking at Exodus 14:1-23. Our message – Wade In The Water – will remind us that when it comes to working for justice, God often calls us to step out in faith!  To get you thinking in advance about some of the things we will be reflecting on, here is a link to this week’s video:

I hope everyone will be able to join us!


It’s that time again! Another Pizza & Games night is being planned for Friday, March 15! Mark it on your calendar and plan to join us for a fun-filled evening! The theme of the night will be St. Patty’s Day!


I’ve got exciting news to share with our youth! Two of our youth events are returning for 2024!

PAYS for Grade 7 and up will be at Camp Geddie in NS from April 19-21

UPLIFT (formerly CY) for Grade 9 to 25 years of age will be at Brock University in St. Catherine’s, Ontario from July 2-8.

Both events are shaping up to be a great experience! See Debbie as she has lots of information to share with you!


As many of you may have heard, Gail Walker passed away earlier this week. There is a service being held at the church on Wednesday, March 13 at 1 pm. I know you will keep her family in your prayers at this time.

Also, a little update on Lacey’s mom. She seemed to make small but significant improvements last weekend. The week has seen ups and downs so we continue to keep her in our prayers as well. Lacey and I thank you for your continued love and support during these challenging days.


I have attached to this email a lovely Thank You card that we received from Jean Millar and her family. I encourage you to check it out!


Finally, a little reminder that clocks go ahead one hour tonight! You don’t want to be late for church in the morning!

I think that’s it for now. Have a great day and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

February 25, 2024

Good evening everyone! Welcome to the weekend!

Here’s what is happening with our church family this weekend:


The Coldest Night of the Year walk is taking place tomorrow evening. While we don’t have an official team, I want to thank all those in our congregation and beyond who volunteered to walk in support of this great cause! I also want to make a special mention of Nancy Harvey who (at the time of this writing) has placed within the top ten of those raising money by securing $905 in donations! Way to go, Nancy!


Do you know what Moses and the beloved Dr. Suess character Horton the Elephant have in common? This week we are going to find out as we continue our journey through the book of Exodus. Using the study “Hard & Holy Work” (Mary Alice Birdwhistell & Tyler Mayfield) as our guide, our message this week – “Paying Attention, Seeing Injustice” (Exodus 2:11-25) – will challenge us to look for those us around us who that we might not have noticed are suffering from inequality or injustice.

To get us thinking about some of these things in advance of worship, here is the link to this week’s video:

Annual Meeting:  This year’s annual meeting is being held this week immediately following the service. Some people think that annual meetings are long and boring, dealing only with financial matters. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is a great opportunity to pause and give thanks for the incredible ministry that Christ has done through us in the past year. It also gives us a chance to prayerfully plan for the year ahead. Churches are at their best when they have input from as many people as possible, so I hope you will be able to join us!


Just a head’s up that the Summerside and Area World Day of Prayer Service is taking place at our church on Friday, March 1 at 11:00 am. The theme for this year’s service is “I beg you, bear with one another in love”, and is based in Palestine. Lunch will be served after the service. Storm date is Friday, March 8. For more information email or go to Women’s Inter-Church Council –


One final note – Elga Ramsay is celebrating a major milestone as she turns 100. There is a little party being held at the church tomorrow afternoon from 2-4 pm. I know the forecast doesn’t look great but, for those who are brave enough to be out, I know it would mean a lot to Elga to have members of her church family stop by and wish her a Happy Birthday!

Stay safe and I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

February 18, 2024

Happy Long-Weekend Everyone!

I just wanted to send a quick note and touch base about what’s happening at worship this weekend.

But before I do I want to say a HUGE thank you to all those who took part in this year’s Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! It was a wonderful evening. The food was delicious and the fellowship was wonderful! Thank you to all those who helped to organize, to those in the kitchen who were preparing and cooking food, to those who served and to those who brought in desserts! All of your efforts made for a memorable evening! Finally, thank you to all those who came out to enjoy the meal and, by doing so, showed your ongoing support of the church’s ministry!


This week we begin our Lenten journey through the Book of Exodus, using Mary Alice Birdwhistell & Tyler Mayfield’s study “Hard & Holy Work” as our guide. Our first message – entitled “Not on my Watch!” – will focus on Exodus 1:6 – 2:10.  We will think about what it means to have a God who “sees us” and be introduced to several women who decided to take a stand against the injustice they saw unfolding around them.

As you prepare for worship, I encourage you to take 4 minutes and check out the brief video segment for this week. You can find it by following the link:

As we typically do on the first Sunday in Lent, after the message we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion.

I hope that everyone is able to join us as together we begin the journey towards Easter.


Rev. Brad Blaikie

February 11, 2024

Good morning everyone!

There are lots of exciting things happening in the next few days. Here are some that you should know about!


As many of you know, last weekend the decision was made to cancel our service due to the poor weather. As a way to honour the amount of work that went in to preparing that service, we will be using that material this Sunday. That means that you can come to worship ready to think about Jesus and his role as a compassionate healer. Our message – “Meeting Jesus the Healer” (based on Mark 1:29-39) – will give us an important insight into who Jesus is and what his ministry entails. It will also encourage us to reflect on what our role is in that ministry. I hope that you will be able to join us!


Come and join us this Tuesday (4:30-6 pm) for our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper! With pancakes, sausages, tea & coffee, desserts, not to mention the great fellowship we will share – at $10 a person  ($5 for children) this promises to be one of the best deals in town! I missed last year’s supper so I am particularly excited for Tuesday evening!

Ash Wednesday: The next day the season of Lent begins. There is an Ash Wednesday service being held at Trinity United Church (90 Spring St.) at 6:30 pm.


This year as our congregation journeys throughout the season of Lent, we will be focusing our attention on paying attention to the holy ground beneath our feet. Using a recently published book by Mary Alice Birdwhistell & Tyler Mayfield entitled “Hard & Holy Work”, we will be walking through the book of Exodus, paying attention to where we might see burning bushes in our world today and pondering what they are calling us to do? Do spiritual encounters in our lives have holy consequences in the world around us? Many of us want to understand how to integrate our personal spiritual lives more actively with our engagement in working for justice and liberation of the oppressed and marginalized. Each Sunday morning we will be encouraged to look for new ways of becoming attuned to God’s boundless presence in our world and called to take action for God’s justice through exploring stories from the book of Exodus – stories that have inspire the work of liberation for centuries!

The renowned Old Testament scholar, Walter Brueggemann has remarked, “What better Lenten discipline and exercise than to ponder well, carefully, and daily our premier text on emancipation – the book of Exodus!… Christians in Lent have no more important work to do than to engage the scripture promises of and mandate to emancipation, especially in our world that is so bent on enslavement, the practice of cheap labor, and the systemic abuse of vulnerable lives.”

While Birdwhistell & Mayfield’s book is intended for small group study, we will be looking at the material of each chapter during our Sunday morning services. Some of the questions that they include at the end of each chapter will form our “Thoughts for Reflection” in each week’s bulletin. I will also be sharing the weekly steps or practices that they encourage us to undertake. While we may be a long way from their context in Louisville, Kentucky, I think that as we work through the material we will see that the need for thoughtful reflection on the relationship between holy awakenings & the work for social justice is just as pressing here on Prince Edward Island as it is there.

Here is a link that will take you to the Introductory video for the study:


Before I end, I want to let you know that on Monday Jean Millar had a fall. She is currently in Charlottetown with a broken hip. What a very rough few weeks it has been for Jean and her family. I ask you to continue to keep them in your individual prayers. We will certainly be praying for them when we gather for worship tomorrow.


I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

February 3, 2024

Good morning everyone!

What a snowy and blowy morning! Before I head out to shovel I just wanted to send a quick note and let you know what’s is happening around the church in the next few days.


Last Sunday we thought about Jesus in his role as a teacher; we heard about how his teachings contrasted and challenged the teachings of the scribes of his day. In our message tomorrow – “Meeting Jesus the Healer’ (based on Mark 1:29-29) – we will think about the compassionate ministry that Jesus engaged in, healing those who were brought to him for help.


I want to let you know that this year’s annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 25th following the service. I hope everyone will plan to stay and take part! This year, as we reflect on the year past, I think we will find that we have LOTS to celebrate!

Also, if you have a report that you would like included, please have them in to Cheri by Friday, February 9th.


Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 13th and plan to join us for our annual pancake supper!

That’s all for now.

Stay safe and warm!

Rev. Brad

January 21, 2024

Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!

I know it has been a while since I sent out a message, but I just want to let you know about what is being  planned for tomorrow’s worship service and provide an update on the Coldest Night of the Year project


We will be hearing Mark’s account of Jesus calling some of his first disciples: Peter & Andrew, James & John. We will hear Jesus invite them to stop what they’re doing and follow him, promising to make them “fishers of men”. I wonder what he means… 🤔 I hope you will be able to join us as we consider what it means to follow Jesus.


For the past couple of years our congregation has entered a team into our local Coldest Night of the Year project. We are incredibly thankful to Debbiie Richard and Wendy Gallant for serving as our previous team leaders! This year Debbie and Wendy are going to be taking a well-deserved break from this project, which means that there is an opportunity for someone to step into that role. If you would like more information about what being a team leader involves, please don’t hesitate to reach out either to myself or to Debbie.

The good news is that even if we don’t enter a team this year under the “Presbyterian Trekkers” name, there are still lots of ways to support this great project. Walking with another team from another organization or simply supporting our friends and neighbours who will be walking are both easy ways that we can continue to support those in our communities who are most vulnerable during these cold winter months.

That’s all for now. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad

December 24, 2023

Hello Summerside Presbyterian Church family!

Well here we are, approaching Christmas weekend! Here is what is happening at SPC this weekend:


On Sunday morning we will be gathering for worship at 10:30 am and lighting our fourth and final Advent candle representing “LOVE”. The service will be designed with children in mind and will explore the meaning behind the Christmas story. Children are encouraged to bring their excitement and enthusiasm as we joyfully worship together.

In the evening we will gather for a traditional Christmas Eve service at 6:30 pm. Through scripture readings and the singing of some well-loved carols, we will celebrate the Saviour that was born so long ago in Bethlehem.

I hope that you will join us for one (or both!) of these special services!


I recently met with a member of our congregation who expressed to me that one of the primary reasons they attend our church is because of the encouragement and support they receive from the other members. Hearing comments like that makes my heart smile! One of the most positive aspects of our church family is the community that has been formed with each other over the years. We laugh together, cry together and grow together.

Through shared meals together, evenings spent together playing games over pizza or simply showing up at each other’s birthday parties, in all of these activities we show each other just how much we care for one another! Gifts given to the church at this time of year do so much more than just “keep the lights on,” they help foster a community in which we can truly act out our love for one another!

Our “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby and we are inviting everyone to consider giving an additional gift to the church this holiday season. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 2G5 or e-transfer to

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!


As many of you know, our worship service last week was interrupted. Therefore, I have recorded the scripture reading and my message. You can find the video by clicking the link below. I hope that it gives you lots to think about during these final days before Christmas!

That’s all for now! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 17, 2023

Good morning everyone!

Well, here we are at one of the busiest weekends of the year! I know many of us will spend today shopping, wrapping and getting ready for Christmas. But in the midst of the hustle and bustle, at Summerside Presbyterian we have some great opportunities for you to pause and reflect on the joyful good news that this holiday season brings.


This Sunday we will be lighting the candle of JOY. While there are no shortage of things that are troubling in the world around us, our message – “The Good News of Mary’s Grammar” – will remind us of the “good news” that Mary learned (Luke 1:26-55) and that we might need to be reminded of! While you may have heard of the “Elf on the Shelf”, tomorrow I look forward to seeing “You in the Pew” as we worship together on this special Sunday!

Bake Sale: Immediately following the service, everyone is encouraged to stay and do some shopping at “The World’s Easiest Bake Sale”. Here’s how it works. Everyone is invited to bring some baked goods with them to church. Before worship they can be dropped off in the church hall. Then after the service, we will begin shopping. Items will not be priced, but instead everyone is encouraged to pay what you can for items. All the money raised will be donated to Presbyterian World Service & Development to assist in the incredible work that they do around the world! Without question this is one of my favourite events of the year! Not only do I love indulging in sweets, but when I get to do so knowing that I am helping those in needs around the world… well, it just doesn’t get any better than that! As we come into this final week before Christmas, it is always good to have some extra treats on hand for when company arrives, so make sure you plan to stay and take part!


I’m so excited for this! Join the Luminos Ensemble here at the church on Sunday evening at 7:30 pm for “Mysterium” – a candlelit meditation on Christmas. The evening will involve an interweaving of familiar carols with lesser-known historical and world-wide traditions, including sacred music from the Eastern Orthodox tradition, adaptations of carols by Indigenous composer Andrew Balfour, a melding of Indian and Western classical styles by Indian-American composer Reena Esmail, and a surround-sound performance of Franz Biebl’s beloved Ava Maria.  All of this in addition to traditional favourites. Unique and serene, this is a concert to sooth the hurried soul. Get tickets at or Eventbrite. $22.63 (includes all fees).


Many of us grew up having memorized the opening question of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. The catechism opens by asking “What is the chief end of man?” In other words, “What is our purpose as people? What were we created for?” The answer given is that we were created “to glorify God and to enjoy God forever”! Perhaps the single most important thing that we do as followers of Jesus is to gather with others for worship. The church exists for this very purpose – to praise God. We have no higher calling!

Here at Summerside Presbyterian, we continue to be blessed week after week by worship that comforts us, inspires us, and yes, sometimes even challenges us! It seems that each week I hear from members of our church family who express to me how, through my messages and the beautiful music provided by Ruth Ann and our choir, their spirits are lifted in joyful praise of the God who created us and loves us!

When you give to support the ministry of SPC, your gifts help to ensure that we will be able to continue worshiping with the same level of excellence that we have come to appreciate over the past number of years.

Our “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby and we are inviting everyone to consider giving an additional gift to the church this holiday season. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. Thank you once again for your continued support and generosity!


Last Thursday a group of six little elves gathered at the church. While sharing stories and laughter, they were able to sign 160 Christmas cards! These will be delivered this morning to residents of Somerset and Wedgewood manors. What an incredible way to brighten someone’s day! Great job!


Finally, a note about our upcoming Christmas services. We will be gathering next Sunday at 10:30 am (our usual time) for The Fourth Sunday of Advent. The service will be designed with children in mind, and will focus on hearing the Christmas story and singing those well-loved carols! Then at 6:30 pm we will gather again for a traditional Christmas Eve service. I hope that everyone is able to join us for at least one (hopefully both!) of these special services!

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 10, 2023

Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!

What a busy couple of weeks we have ahead of us!  Here is what’s going on at Summerside Presbyterian, and within our community, in the days ahead:


On the second Sunday of Advent we will light the candle of “PEACE”. Our message, focusing on something that the Apostle Peter wrote, is called “What God Could Learn from Amazon and What I Could Learn from Peter” (2 Peter 3:8-15). In it we will be thinking about how hard it can be to wait for things, but remembering God’s true nature can help!

This is also WHITE GIFT SUNDAY! During the service there will be an opportunity to bring forward all the “white gifts” that have been brought in. These gifts, wrapped in white paper or bags, will be taken to the Salvation Army for distribution through their Christmas outreach ministries.


On Sunday afternoon the Summerside Community Choir will be presenting their annual Christmas concert. This year’s concert, “Star-led and Wonder Bound,” begins at 3 pm at Trinity United Church. A variety of sacred and secular music will be performed, and guest ladies ensemble, Arioso, will be adding to the afternoon program. The choir is directed by our own Ruth Ann Read-Clay, and features pianist Tanya Bernard (who is also no stranger to our SPC family!) In addition to these familiar faces, the concert will also see instrumentalists Marc Desroches (oboe) and Melissa McCarvill (flute) assisting in this heart-warming seasonal concert. Admission is $15.


So many seniors find this to be a very lonely time of year. Those confined to long-term care homes often feel isolated from friends and family. Something as simple as receiving a pretty Christmas card can brighten one’s spirits. On Thursday afternoon we will be gathering in the church (2-3 pm) hall to write out Christmas cards which will be delivered to one of the local manors. Everyone is encouraged to come and take part!


Did you know that on Thursday (December 14) from 3-5pm there will be a free turkey dinner (with all the trimmings!) at the Waterfront Cafe? This event is being sponsored by: Connection 2 Employment PEI, Callbecks Home Hardware, and the Summerside Butcher Shop. Working in collaboration with those at the Waterfront Cafe and Training Centre, they believe in the power of community and coming together to support one another, especially during the festive season. Recognizing that Christmas can be a difficult time, they want to make the season a little brighter, spreading joy and cheer to those in need by providing a memorable and delicious meal. No reservations required. They look forward to sharing the Christmas spirit with those in our community!


It is hard to ignore the many challenges our world is facing right now: armed conflicts seem to be erupting in various places, natural disasters and extreme weather events threaten the wellbeing of communities, food scarcity and rising grocery prices continue to challenge families – young and old alike! Did you know that when you give to support the on-going ministry of SPC, you are making it possible for God to continue working through our church family to help bring peace to those in distress?

God is always at work through our mission efforts, whether it be our contributions to Presbyterian World Service & Development, our food drives for the local food bank, or our ongoing KD Lunch program. All of these efforts help to manifest peace in the midst of these challenging times.

Once again, the “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. Once again, we thank everyone for your incredibly generous ongoing support!



Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 3, 2023

Hello Everybody!

Tomorrow we enter the busy month of December! Here at the church we have a couple of things planned that will help you get your Advent season started off on the right foot!


It’s finally here… just two sleeps away… our annual Cookies & Christmas event! If you are looking for a fun (and delicious!) way to get in the Christmas spirit, join us for a time of fun and fellowship and cookies as together we celebrate the beginning of the Advent season. This event is for young and old alike and will give each of us a chance to spend some time thinking about the true meaning of Christmas! I hope to see you there!


This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent! We will be lighting our first advent candle representing HOPE and celebrating the sacrament of Communion. Because taking part in the Lord’s Supper is something that everyone is invited to do at SPC, our children will be rejoining us later in the service for that special occasion.

Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent and as we gather for worship we will be lighting the candle of HOPE.. Our message – Thinking About the End and What Comes Next – will have us pondering the deep hope that can be born in us, and among us, because of Christ’s birth.

The scripture readings for the service are Isaiah 64:1-12 & Mark 13:24-37. As we prepare ourselves for worship, I encourage you to spend some time thinking about what signs of hope you have seen in your community, where people or institutions are working on real answers to the issues facing us.


As we move into the month of December, we are entering the season of giving. Of course, we like to give thoughtful gifts to those closest to us: family members and close friends. Some even like to give a little something to those we may not get to thank at other times of the year: a special teacher, the mail carrier, the person who cuts your hair. But this year, as you make your list of gifts to be given, have you considered a gift to the church?

Gifts given to the church at this time of year help ensure that we will be able to continue the incredible ministry that happens through this faith community – things like our children’s ministry. These gifts help to share our faith with our children, giving them all they need to live as faithful followers of Jesus in their ever-changing world. I can’t think of a more profound act of hope than to invest in the faith of the next generation!

Following on the success of previous years, once again the white “Giving Tree” is set up in the church lobby. There are different coloured bulbs available, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

Red = $20

Blue = $50

Silver = $100

Gold = $500

Dark Purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office. If you prefer, cheques can be sent to Summerside Presbyterian Church, 130 Victoria Rd., Summerside, PE C1N 2G5 or e-transfers to

Thank you once again for all of your continued support!

I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad

November 26, 2023

Good morning everyone!

It’s hard to believe but here we are again at the last weekend of November. Here is what is happening with our church family this weekend:


This Sunday is the last of the church year – a Sunday set aside to remember and celebrate the Reign of Christ. In his letter to the followers in Ephesus, Paul claims that when God raised Christ from the dead, he seated him at his right hand, “far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1:15-23)  More than being merely “theological mumble-jumble,” I wonder what impact the lordship of Christ might have in our world today – a world marked by continual conflicts and divisions? I hope you will join us as we explore this question as a part of our worship.


Sunday evening everyone is invited to ‘Sharing Our Song’, a joint choral concert featuring The Amabile Singers PEI (directed by our own Ruth Ann Read-Clay) with special guests Amici (a mixed vocal ensemble) and Kensington-based women’s vocal ensemble, Arioso. The music will include a mixture of secular and sacred, messages of hope and peace with some seasonal selections and more! Alix Lowe is the guest violinist, and the pianists are Tom Loney, Susan Duncan and Jennifer MacDonald. The concert begins at 3:30 pm at Spring Park United Church in Charlottetown. Admission is $15 at the door.


Once again, the Huntington Society’s fundraising campaign is underway! At $17 each, these kits make great gifts at Christmas time, especially for those hard-to-buy-for people on your list! These kits include a bulb, soil, pot, and regrowing instructions all in an attractive retail box with some background information on Huntington’s disease. These are indoor blooming flowering plants that will brighten up anyone’s winter. You can contact either Stephen or Janet-Rose Hurst at (902) 888-3013 to order one today!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

November 19, 2023

Hello SPC family,

Here is what is going on this weekend.


This week we are turning our attention to the amazing work that is being done by Presbyterians Sharing. Presbyterians Sharing is the national church fund that supports mission and ministry in Canada and around the world. Together Presbyterians across Canada are sharing in a wide range of ministries such as building strong congregations, serving vulnerable people, walking with Indigenous people, seeking justice and sharing God’s love around the world. Our message – “Putting Our Gifts in God’s Hands” – will celebrate the work we do together.  This service will provide us with an opportunity to remember and celebrate that our congregation, through The Presbyterian Church in Canada, is connected by faith, history and mission, as we continue Christ’s ministry in our communities and worldwide. I hope everyone will join us!


Looking ahead to next weekend, The Amabile Singers PEI (who are directed by Ruth Ann Read-Clay) are inviting one and all to ‘Sharing Our Song’, a joint choral concert with guests Amici (a mixed voice ensemble) and Kensington-based women’s vocal ensemble, Arioso. Music includes a mix of secular and sacred , messages of hope and peace, some seasonal selections and more! Alix Lowe is guest violinist, and pianists are Tom Loney, Susan Duncan and Jennifer MacDonald. The concert will take place on Sunday, November 26 (3:30 pm) at Spring Park United Church in Charlottetown. Admission is $15 at the door.


This week I received a letter from Fran Gillis, the president of the Summerside Meals on Wheels program. I know that most of us are already familiar with the amazing work that is being done by this group in our community. Since 1981, Meals on Wheels have been providing meals (Monday to Friday) for seventy or more senior citizens in the Summerside area!

While the delivery of these meals happens primarily through the generosity of volunteers, there are additional expenses involved in the program such as the salaries for two part-time coordinators and the cost of meals and supplies. This is where they need help. Monetary support is always needed and welcomed.  All donations are tax deductible and can be forwarded to Meals on Wheels, c/o Summerset Manor, 15 Frank Mellish Street, Summerside, PE, C1N 0H3 or e-transferred to Meals on Wheels at with the subject “Christmas Appeal”.

If you are not able to give a monetary gift at this time, have you considered possibly volunteering to drive and deliver meals? If that is something that you might be interested in doing, I know that they would love to hear from you!


I just want to end by extending a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported the program so far this year. The past few weeks we have had over 100 students but our volunteers have been amazing, as has been the generosity of both the congregation and the larger community! Every week you have been dropping off boxes of KD and cookies and they have been incredibly appreciated! Keep up the great work!

Beyond just filling tummies, this program is creating a safe and welcoming space for students to come and socialize with each other and get to know some of our volunteers! Chrst is present in every aspect of this program – in the laughs shared between volunteers, in the relationships formed with the students, in the generosity of those who donate – it is such an amazing thing to witness! Anyone who wants to see God at work in our community, I invite you and encourage you to come see what happens over the noon hour on Thursdays!  Anyway, I didn’t mean to turn that into a sermon, I really just wanted to say thank you for everything you are doing!

(Oh, and I heard a rumour that KD is on sale this week at Sobeys for 97 cents…wink wink 😉)

That’s all for now!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

November 12, 2023

Happy Friday!

Here’s what is happening around our SPC family this weekend:


I am very excited about this week’s service for a couple of reasons. Each week in Sunday school the children have been busy learning some of the foundational stories of our faith (creation and Noah’s ark). This week I have invited them to stay in worship and share with us what they have learned. That means not only do we all get to worship together (one of my favourite things!) but also that I don’t need to write a sermon since the children are going to be taking the lead on teaching us! It’s a win-win!

As a part of their lessons, the children have built an ark which, after a long journey up the stairs, has now come to rest at the front of the sanctuary. I would like to encourage everyone (of all ages) to bring one of their favourite stuffed animals with them to worship so that they can help fill the ark! This service promises to be lots of fun so I hope you will join us!

This will also be our last Sunday for our food drive, so if you find yourself at a grocery store over the weekend, perhaps pick up a little something extra that you can donate to help those in need.


Did you know that yesterday at our KD Lunch program we served 102 students from Three Oaks High School. Last week was 105. Isn’t that amazing! The program is continuing to grow and is reaching a real need among students. As more and more families struggle with the rising cost of everything, this is such a great way for our church family to help. Maybe parents can rest a little easier on Thursday mornings knowing that their child is going to receive a great lunch here at the church.

With the increasing numbers, naturally there is also an increasing need (Yesterday we went through 48 boxes of Kraft Dinner!). If you can help out by donating KD or cookies that would be great! Or perhaps you are interested in volunteering your time? If so, you are encouraged to reach out to Debbie at (902) 888- 799. Food items can be brought with you on Sunday mornings or dropped off at the church office on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday mornings between 9-12 am.

That’s all for now.

Have a great weekend!

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

November 5, 2023

Good morning everyone!

Here are some things to know as we enter the first weekend of November.


With the approaching of Remembrance Day, our service will begin with a time of remembrance and thanksgiving for those who gave of themselves for the freedoms we all enjoy. Together we will sing our national anthem, hear the names on our Honour Roll read, and then observe a moment of silence.

After our time of remembrance, we will listen for God’s Word as it comes to us from the scriptures. As we hear the warnings of the ancient prophet Amos (Amos 5:18-24), our message will explore the relationship between righteousness and peace.


This week we are very pleased to have Ruth Ann Read-Clay joining us! She will be providing music for us throughout the upcoming seasons of Advent and Christmas. Ruth Ann is currently the director of the Summerside Community Choir and comes to us with a wealth of experience and talent. We look forward to her contributions to worship over the next few months!

Since this is her first Sunday with us, we thought it would be appropriate to have a time of fellowship following the service. This will give us a chance to meet Ruth Ann and extend to her a warm welcome!


Also, a friendly reminder that this Sunday we set our clocks back an hour. But don’t worry, if you forget and find yourself at church an hour early I’m sure we can find something for you to do! 😉


This event is being held Friday, November 10th (10:30 – 3:30 pm) at Holland College here in Summerside.

Donations are needed and can be dropped off at any of the following locations: Quality Hotels & Suites, Castle Building Centres, Novus Glass Repair & Replacement, ADL, Prince County Boys & Girls Club, Township Chevrolet, and at HMS Office Solutions.

What a great way to help those in our community stay warm this winter!


Like so many of you, I have been watching the horrendous events unfolding in Gaza and wondering what I could possibly be doing to help. I shouldn’t have been surprised to learn that our church’s national development agency, Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is responding!

PWS&D’s humanitarian response will assist with shelter, food, livelihoods, emergency health, psychosocial and mental health support, as well as cash assistance to allow people to purchase the goods they require. 

Donations made to PWS&D are eligible to be matched by the Government of Canada through the Humanitarian Coalition’s Gaza Emergency appeal. Donations made up until November 12 will be matched, up to a total of $10 million.

For more information, or to donate, go to the following webpage: 

Regardless of whether you are in a position in which you can support the people in Gaza financially or not, one thing we all can do is to hold them in our prayers. I encourage each of us to pray for those directly affected and threatened and to pray for an end to violence and a just peace in the land of Christ’s birth:

God of truth, mercy and peace,

God of life and of reconciliation,

We mourn the suffering and murder of your people

and we pray for a just peace

and reconciliation for the people of Palestine and Israel 

who have endured the burden of violence and conflict for so long.

Console those who grieve,

heal the injured,

comfort those who are alone and afraid,

protect those who are held hostage, and

restrain those who would cause more violence 

or act cynically for political gain and power.

Let wisdom settle on your churches

and on governments and leaders of this world

so that justice is sought,

reconciliation is found, 

peace established and

security provided for all.

In the name of Jesus we pray.


That’s everything (for now!)

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!



Rev. Bradford Blaikie

October 29, 2023

Good afternoon church family!

I’ve got lots of exciting news to share with you this week!


It’s Pizza & Games time again! Everyone is encouraged to join us here at the church on Friday evening at 5:30 pm for an evening full of fun and games (and pizza!). Come, bring a  friend! Enjoy some pizza, bring your favourite game and share in some great fellowship. Bring a dessert to share if you wish. This evening promises to be a great time for those of all ages! (And of course, don’t forget: this close to Halloween, costume are always welcome!)


This Sunday we are finishing up our little series on spooky Bible stories. The message – Grave Encounters (with Sleeping Saints) – will explore some of the unique details that Matthew includes in his account of Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:33-54).  I wonder what these details can tell us about how Matthew understood the significance of Jesus’ death? What good news might they suggest for us? And what connections, if any, might this story have to the observance of All Saints Day on November 1st? These are some of the questions that we will be thinking about as we worship together. I hope everyone is able to join us!

Also, a special note for parents. The children are encouraged to bring some of their favourite stuffed animals with them to church. They will be using them during their Sunday School lesson.


We are excited to announce that, beginning on November 1st, Ruth Ann Read-Clay will be providing music for us throughout the upcoming seasons of Advent and Christmas. Ruth Ann is currently the director of the Summerside Community Choir and comes to us with a wealth of experience and talent. We look forward to her contributions to worship over the next few months.

We want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to Christa McDougall for providing music supply for us over the summer and fall months! Christa, your willingness to share your gifts has been a true blessing! Thank you!

While I am saying thank you, I would be amiss if I didn’t mention all of the incredible help we have had with our KD Lunch program so far this year. Our church family has really stepped up providing KD, cookies and volunteering to help! This program wouldn’t be possible with the generosity and support of each of you! If you haven’t had a chance to be involved yet, but are wondering how you might help, I encourage you to speak to Debbie Richard at (902) 888-8799.

That’s all for now!

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Rev. Bradford Blaikie

October 22, 2023

Happy Weekend Summerside Presbyterian family!

Here is some helpful information, as well as some exciting things to look forward to!


This Sunday we are continuing with our explorations of some of the scariest stories of scripture! We will be traveling with the prophet Ezekiel into a graveyard of old, dried up bones. Our message – Night of the Living Army (Ezekiel 37:1-14) – will reflect upon what Ezekiel experiences in that graveyard and what it might mean for God’s people both then, and now!


Get ready! It’s that time again! Pizza & Games Night is back! Everyone is encouraged to join us here at the church on Friday evening (October 27th) at 5:30 for an evening full of fun and games (and pizza!). Come, bring a guest! Enjoy some pizza, bring your favourite game, share in some great fellowship. Bring a dessert to share if you wish. This evening promises to be a great time for those of all ages! (And of course, don’t forget: this close to Halloweeen, costumes are always welcome!)


Have you ever wondered about how you might support the ministries that we do together as a church family? There are several ways. The first is by remembering the church in your prayers. None of the amazing work that we do together would be possible without the power of God’s Spirit moving among us. Praying for the church is a great way to be involved!

Another important way is by getting involved. There are many aspects of our church’s ministry in which we are constantly in need of volunteers. Maybe your interest is in planning fellowship events or working on mission projects? Maybe you would like to read scripture or share a song during a Sunday service? Perhaps you have a keen mind for technology and would like to help out by learning to run the sound and projections for our services? Or maybe stirring a pot of Kraft Dinner is more up your alley? I strongly believe that everyone has a gift that they can share! Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss how you might get involved.

Of course, another way of supporting is by contributing through your gifts and offerings. We are continually AMAZED and THANKFUL for the incredible generosity at work within our church family! Without your gifts our ministry would be greatly limited! Each week the offering is brought forward and with great expectation we sing and pray, confidently waiting to see what amazing things God does with what we offer! However, if you aren’t able to make it on Sunday mornings there are other ways to give as well.

Cheques can be sent by mail to

Summerside Presbyterian Church

130 Victoria Rd.

Summerside, PE

C1N 2G5

or you can send an etransfer to

Again, we thank you once again for all of your incredible generosity and support!

That’s all I have to share for this week.

I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Bradford Blaikie

October 15, 2023

Happy Friday Everyone!

It looks like we are going to be in for a wet weekend, but we won’t let that dampen our spirits! I hope you are still overcome with gratitude after last weekend’s Thanksgiving celebrations. Around the church we still are in Thanksgiving mode and there are some pretty exciting things that I am anxious to share with you.


It is no secret that one of the great things about our SPC family is that there is an incredible spirit of generosity that runs through our congregation. This is evidenced in so many ways – big and small! One of the areas in which it can be seen most clearly, is concerning “planned giving” or “bequests”. Over the past several years we have received several significant gifts from members of the congregation who chose to leave something to the church in their estates. These individuals believed in investing in the future ministries of Summerside Presbyterian, even though they knew that they were not going to be present to see what might become of the seeds they planted.

Likewise, individuals across Canada have given similar bequests to The Presbyterian Church in Canada; gifts that the church has used to establish various funds for use by congregations within the denomination.

Recently, session thought that some of those gifts should be put to use. We applied to the national church and received a grant from the PCC’s “Creative Ministries with Children and Youth” fund. Now, through the generosity of those in our church family, and with the support of a bequest from The Presbyterian Church in Canada, we have been able to engage Debbie Richard in a contract position for a year to focus more intently on developing our ministry with our congregation’s youngest members. The children of the congregation already have a strong relationship with Debbie and she has a good handle on some of the different needs and approaches that might work best with our specific group.

Her mandate will be “to provide Christian Education programs for children and youth which would nurture and support children and youth in their growing faith, knowledge of the Bible, participation in service/mission projects, and in their relationship with the Trinity and with each other.”  Her responsibilities will include:

  • selecting, planning, coordinating and teaching curriculum to be used for Sunday School and other special events such as family events and service & mission projects.
  • recruiting and training volunteers to assist in Christian Education where needed
  • to invite and include youth in the life of the church
  • to make Sunday School and worship more engaging and inviting to children with sensory issues
  • to maintain communication with families, children and youth through various methods including in person, phone calls and emails
  • to oversee the organization and inventory of supplies, equipment and furniture in the Christian Education area
  • to engage with the Minister to facilitate the children and youth’s participation in worship services
  • to prepare a Christian Education budget annually
  • and finally, to source and attend youth events such as PAYS and CY, and to encourage involvement in Camp Keir.

Like I said, Thanksgiving Weekend may be past, but here at SPC we are still giving thanks! We are very excited to have Debbie in this position and I know that you will continue to keep her in your prayers, offering whatever encouragement and support she may need!


This is the time of year when everybody seems to enjoy a good, scary story! Whether it’s cuddling up on the couch to watch a classic thriller movie or sitting down with a good book, it seems that, during October at least, we just can’t resist a scary story. But did you know that the church has a few spooky stories of its own? Beginning this Sunday, and continuing on until Halloween, we will be looking at some of the church’s scariest stories!

We begin on Sunday by hearing the story of King’s Saul’s late-night visit to a medium who can communicate with the dead (1 Samuel 28). The message – “I See Dead Prophets” – will explore the question of where we turn to in times of trouble. I hope that you will be brave enough to join us!

That’s it for now!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

October 8, 2023

Good morning everyone! Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Here’s what is taking place at the church this weekend, as well as some things to think about.


This Sunday we have an exciting service planned. In keeping with the theme of thanksgiving, we will be looking at one of the primary ways that the Bible suggests we give thanks to God – by sharing w=our blessings with others. We will hear the story of a little boy who shared his lunch and we will wonder in amazement at the incredible things that God can accomplish through what we offer (John 6:1-15).

The children will be staying in and worshiping with us which means that the service is being planned with their presence in mind! The sermon will be interactive and the hymns joyful. There will also be lots of opportunities for them to participate in various parts of the service.

Given that the service is being planned with all age groups in mind, it works out well that our recently appointed Synod Youth and Camping Consultant, Helena Human, will be joining in worship. We look forward to having Helena with us and getting to know her better!   Make sure you come out to meet Helena and join us in giving thanks to God for all of the blessings we enjoy!


Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food items with you on Sunday! We will be bringing forward all the donations that have been collected over the past weeks and giving thanks and praying over them before they are delivered to the food bank. .

I came across some helpful information online about food donations to food banks. The individual had spoken to some people receiving aid from her local food bank and decided to share some of the insights that she learned. I thought it was worth sharing:

  1. Everyone donates Kraft Dinner in the box. They can rarely use it because it needs milk and butter which is hard to get from regular food banks.
  2. Boxed milk is a treasure, as kids need it for cereal which they also get a lot of.
  3. Everyone donates pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles.
  4. They cannot eat all the awesome canned veggies and soup unless you put a can opener in too (or buy pop tops). 
  5. Oil is a luxury but needed for Rice-a-Roni which they get a lot of.  
  6. Spices or salt and pepper would be a real gift!
  7. Tea bags and coffee make them feel like you care. 
  8. Sugar and flour are treats
  9. They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores.
  10. Seeds are cool in Spring and Summer because growing can be easy for some.
  11. They rarely get fresh meat.
  12. Tuna and crackers make a good lunch.
  13. Hamburger Helper goes nowhere without ground beef.
  14. They get lots of peanut butter and jelly but usually not sandwich bread. .
  15. Butter or margarine is nice too.
  16. Eggs are a real commodity.
  17. Cake mix and frosting makes it possible to make a child’s birthday cake.
  18. Dishwashing detergent is very expensive and is always appreciated.
  19. Feminine hygiene products are a luxury and women will cry over that.
  20. Everyone loves Stove Top Stuffing.

The person who posted this list ended by saying: “In all the years I have donated food at the Holidays, I bought what I thought they wanted, but have never asked. I am glad I did!”

While we are not in a position to accept things like fresh meat or milk, I hope that reading over this list of insights is thought-provoking (maybe inspiring) as we continue to collect our donations. (Just a reminder that if you haven’t had the chance to make it to the grocery store, there is a jar in which we are also receiving cash donations). The Bible says that generosity is a sign of God’s Spirit being present and at work. I look forward to celebrating on Sunday the amazing things that God will accomplish through the generosity of our church family!


As a final thought, I came across these questions online and also thought that they were worth sharing with you. Whether you reflect on them privately or ask them of your friends and family when you are sitting together around a table, I think that they will be useful in helping us reflect on the meaning and importance of this weekend.

  1. What’s your favourite Thanksgiving food?
  2. What’s the happiest Thanksgiving memory of your childhood?
  3. What do you enjoy most about the Thanksgiving holiday?
  4. Who is the most consistently grateful person you know?
  5. What’s the one experience for which you are most thankful this year?
  6. What’s the one book, article, or blog post for which you are most thankful for this year?
  7. What’s the one thing you’ve learned this year for which you are most thankful?
  8. If you could thank one person today – near or far, living or dead – for their influence on your life, who would that person be?
  9. Who’s one person you’ve never thanked for their contribution to your life, but would like to?
  10. For what do you feel most grateful to God today?

I hope that reflecting on these questions will enhance your experience of Thanksgiving this year!

I wish you all the happiest of weekends and I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

September 30, 2023

Good morning everyone,

Here are a few things to keep in mind as we enjoy this weekend.


Today is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation; a day which honours the children who  never returned home and survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public commemoration of the tragic and painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is a vital component of the reconciliation process.

Our church’s relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada has been marked by colonization and the racist beliefs that underscore colonization (namely, the superiority of a Christianized, western European worldview). As a part of its commitment to walking towards reconciliation, our church has confessed its role in running residential schools, its complicity in the harms of colonization, and rejected the Doctrine of Discovery.  Attached to this email you will find a copy of that confession.  I encourage each of us to take a few minutes today to read that confession as a part of our ongoing reflections.


This Sunday is World Communion Sunday – a Sunday on which we join with other Christians around the world in celebrating the Lord’s Supper. As a part of our service, each of the hymns that we sing will have connections to some part of the global Christian community. During our message – “Of One Mind?” – we will hear Paul’s words to the Christians in Philippi (Philippians 2:1-13) and reflect upon their implications for us today. What does it mean to be “of one mind” in such a diverse, modern world?

During the service, Debbie will be taking the children downstairs for a brief lesson before the rejoin us later in the service for the celebration of Communion.


Don’t forget that we are still collecting items for our annual food drive. If you are out and about today, why not pick up a non-perishable food item and bring it with you to worship tomorrow? There is perhaps no better way to express our gratitude for Good’s blessings than to share them!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Grace and peace,

Rev. Brad Blaikie

September 24, 2023

Good morning everyone! Happy Saturday!

I just returned from Toronto last night where I was attending meetings of our church’s  national committee on Church Doctrine. What a time! The two days were filled with engaging and challenging conversations on a wide range of subjects – everything from preparing a new document on MAID (medical aid in dying) to exploring some of the underlying beliefs behind our church’s polity and how we govern ourselves. The topics were wide-ranging yet each was an attempt to wrestle with how to live faithfully as God’s people in our ever-changing world. While a couple of days spent discussing heavy questions like that can be exhausting, in another way I find those conversations energizing and exciting. Either way, I am excited to be back in Summerside and am looking forward to leading worship with you tomorrow.


This Sunday we are looking at another one of the parables that Jesus told concerning the ‘kingdom of heaven”. Jesus told his disciples that “the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard…” (Matthew 20:1-16). What should be a nice little story about people finding work, ends up with a bunch of these employees being upset! Our message – The Unfair Landowner – will explore some of the reasons why, while highlighting the generous nature of our God! Also, just a reminder that this week we continue our food drive. You are encouraged to bring a non- perishable food item with you to worship!

WELCOME BACK PICNIC! After the service everyone is encouraged to stay and join us for a time of fun and fellowship. This year, our Fall picnic will take the form of a potluck. You are encouraged to bring either sandwiches or sweets to share. In addition to food and fellowship, there will also be games for those who want to challenge themselves! (Just as a note: If you arrive at church tomorrow and realize you forgot to bring a food item to share at the picnic, you are STILL ENCOURAGED TO STAY! The reasons will hopefully be made clear during the sermon! Hint: It has to do with grace and generosity!) 


A big “thank you” to those who gathered at the church last Wednesday to help make cookies for our KD Lunch program. As we all know, this program would never be possible if it weren’t for the generous support of people volunteering their time and energy. If you missed out on Wednesday evening cookie making, the good news is there is another session this coming Wednesday. (Good news for anyone who had to miss it because they were away for Church Doctrine meetings!)  Anyone who would like to be involved is welcome to join us at the church at 7 pm. All the necessary supplies will be provided!

I think that’s it for now. Enjoy the beautiful day and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

September 17 2023

Good morning everyone!

Happy Saturday! It looks like we could be in for a wild day in terms of weather. I hope you are hunkered down safe and sound!  Provided that things don’t get too bad, we are still planning to go ahead with our regular service tomorrow morning. If that were to change we will try to let you know through the usual means (another email, Facebook, radio, etc).  But for now, here is what we have to look forward to:


This week we are thinking about the practice of forgiveness. One day Peter came to Jesus and asked him, “Lord, if my brother or sister sins against me, how often should I forgive?”  (Here’s a hint: the answer is probably more than what any of us are comfortable with!) In our message – The Gift of Forgiveness – I will be exploring the story that Jesus gives as a response (Matthew 18:21-35).


Also, a reminder that this Sunday is the beginning of our annual food drive. This initiative will run from now through to Thanksgiving. You are encouraged to bring a non-perishable food item(s) with you. We will gather them, then on Thanksgiving weekend we will give thanks and celebrate God’s incredible generosity!


That’s right! It’s that time of year again! After the service next Sunday (September 24) we will be having our annual Fall Picnic! Come prepared to stay for a time of fun and fellowship. This year the picnic will take the form of a potluck, so we ask that, if you are able, you bring either sandwiches or treats to share. There will also be some games planned for the children (or any adults who want to challenge themselves!) This is always one of my favourite events. I love having the opportunity to connect with many members of our church family that I haven’t seen over the summer months! I hope you will mark it on your calendars and plan to join us!


Many of you know that one of the ways that I like to support the work of the church is through the giving of my time. I am currently serving on the church’s national committee on Church Doctrine. This committee will be meeting this week so I will be in Toronto from Wednesday to Friday. Don’t worry though, I’ll be back in lots of time for the picnic… I mean worship! 😉

I think that is everything for now.

Stay safe and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

May 7, 2023

Good morning everyone!

Well it looks like after our week of rainy weather, the forecast suggests that skies are going to be clearing and that we are in for a beautiful weekend! It’s going to be a busy one around Summerside Presbyterian. Here’s some information about what’s going on.


King Charles III’s coronation will not be the only one happening this weekend, because I have declared myself to be the “King of Twister,” and tonight at the church I will be welcoming all challenges to that claim!. This evening is another SPC Pizza & Games Night! Everyone is invited to come out and join us for this all-ages evening of fun and games. It begins with pizza around 5:30 pm; after which, there will be lots of games to choose from: Crokinole, Connect 4, card games, and many more… and of course, Twister! If you think you would like to attend, give the church office a call this morning (902-436-2557) and let them know so that we can make sure to order enough pizza for everybody. However, if it’s mid-afternoon and you suddenly remember that you forgot to let us know that you would like to attend, show up anyway! Everybody is welcomed and encouraged to be there!


On Saturday morning, all the ladies of the congregation are invited to gather for breakfast at the Star Cafe (271 Water St.) at 9 am. Who doesn’t love an excuse to have breakfast out? And you’ll get to share in some great fellowship! Connect with old friends… make some news ones… this is a great time and we hope you’ll take part!


This week we will be looking at Jesus’ words as they are found in the fourteenth chapter of John’s Gospel (John 14-1-14). Within this reading Jesus makes the claim that he is “the way, the truth, and the life,” and that “no one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). In our message – “Reading John 14: Good News or Bad News?” – we will be exploring the context of this passage to see if we can more clearly figure out what Jesus is (and isn’t) saying.

This week we are also excited to welcome back to the piano Tanya Bernard who will be sharing her gifts of music with us!

Fellowship Time!: Throughout the month of May we are excited to be having a time of tea & coffee before each service from about 9 to 10 am. Contrary to what one individual suggested, the intended purpose is not to help people stay awake during the sermon! (Though that might be a helpful side effect!) ?This is a time for connecting and visiting with other members of our church family. Make sure you come early to enjoy a little pre-worship fellowship!

And finally, something for you to think about: CHURCH MEMBERSHIP

“What does it mean to be a member of a congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Canada? 

Is it important? What difference does it make if you become a member of the church? 

What is the difference between being a member or an adherent of a congregation?

These are all excellent questions! 

Members and adherents look the same. Adherents are often as dedicated to the ministry of the congregation as members; sometimes even more so.

There are times, however, in the life of a congregation when membership does make a difference. Only a member may sign a call for a new minister, be ordained as an elder or vote for an elder. In short, a member has greater privileges and responsibilities than an adherent.

There was a time when a Presbyterian adherent was as rare as lobster traps in Saskatchewan. Virtually every teen attended classes to become Presbyterian members. Prior to 1982, the national church did not keep track of adherents. Only members were counted. Clearly the number of adherents became significant enough to warrant keeping track of them. By 1982 adherents comprised nearly 20 percent of the total number of people associated with our church. By 2006 that number climbed to 40 percent. How do we understand this trend? It is said that we live in a “non-joining” age, but there is probably more to these figures than that.

Membership is still vital to the life of our church and an important step of faith and commitment. Why? Principally, because the scriptures portray God as a covenant-making God. God promises to be our God and calls us into community as people of God. When we become members we confess faith in God and make vows of covenantal relationship with one another. As an example, members make a legally binding promise to pay their minister a stipend so that the minister can afford to lead and serve them. 

Because we exist in a material world, we need a constitution (the Book of Forms) based on our theology of grace, hope, peace, joy, love, justice and so on. Members promise to obey it in an effort to live in a covenantal community with God and one another. 

Members participate in a congregation’s life in full covenant with others and shoulder crucial responsibilities, such as the election of elders, the calling of a minister, and being accountable to the body of Christ and to the discipline of that body.

Sometimes being a member or an adherent is compared to marriage. You can live with someone and enjoy many of the same benefits of marriage, but when two people marry, they enter into an even deeper bond of commitment to each other before God.”  (Equipping Elders, p.39-40)

If you are interested in becoming a covenantal member of our church family or would like more information, please feel free to speak to me. I would love to have a conversation with you about it!

I think that’s all for now! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 30, 2023

Hi Folks!

Another beautiful Friday evening is upon us! Here is your weekend update with all of the exciting news that is happening around our Summerside Presbyterian family.


Each year, on the fourth Sunday of Easter, the lectionary presents us with a group of readings that highlight the theme of shepherding; in particular Christ’s role as the “Good Shepherd”. In light of this it has come to be known as “Good Shepherd Sunday”. Our service Sunday will pick up on those themes and our message – “The Good Shepherd’s Restoration Project” (based on Psalm 23) – will explore what the Psalmist means when writing that the Lord “restores my soul”.

This Sunday will also be Dean Perry’s last with us for a while. Thank you Dean for sharing your gifts of music and leadership with us over the past few months! (Next Sunday we welcome back Tanya Bernard to the piano and then Christa MacDougall will be sharing her gifts with us throughout the summer! We are looking forward to that!)

I hope everyone will be able to join us!


Like many properties around the Island, Camp Keir was left in quite a mess after Hurricane Fiona! Therefore, the Camp Committee has organized three clean up days and are looking for lots of helping hands to assist in getting the camp ready for the upcoming camping season.

May 6 will be the forrest clean up

May 13 wil be another forrest clean up

June 3 will be the indoor clean up.

Each clean up day begins at 9 am and a BBQ lunch will be provided at each one. If you can help out that would be great! You can speak to Marilyn Bigger at for more information.


That’s right! Friday evening, May 5th is the long-awaited return of Pizza & Games night! Things will be getting underway around 5:30 pm. This is an all-ages event and I encourage everyone to come and join us for an evening of food and fellowship. Supper will be provided and there will be games for young and old alike (card games, Connect 4, crokinole and many more!) As I mentioned in church last week, I have declared myself to be the “King of Twister” (it’s a self-professed title!) and I am welcoming anyone who would like to challenge my claim to that position!  There is a sign up sheet on the table in the church lobby (just so that we have a rough idea of how much pizza to order!). If you are interested in attending but would like more information you can speak to Debbie Richard at

I think that’s it for this week. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 22, 2023

Hello SPC family!

It looks like we are in for another beautiful weekend! Here is what you need to know about things happening around the church this weekend.


This Sunday we are continuing our celebration of Christ’s resurrection! On Easter morning we thought about how the Apostle Paul understood the cosmic and universal implications of Christ’s resurrection. Last week we narrowed our focus and were reminded of how Christ’s resurrection can make a difference in our own lives – the Risen Christ appearing in the midst of our sorrows, our fears and our doubts. This week we continue exploring the impact of the resurrection by looking at what it means for the church. Our message – “Easter (take 3): When the Guest Becomes the Host” – will explore the resurrection story as it is presented by Luke, with particular attention being paid to the stranger that the disciples meet along the road to Emmaus. It is only when they share a meal together that they come to recognize who this stranger truly is! (Luke 24:1-35)

Later in the service we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. I hope everyone will be able to join us!


Greeters & Counters – If you are looking for an easy way to get involved in the church’s ministry, why not consider volunteering to Greet worshipers before the service and count offering afterward? We will be putting together a new rotation list for the upcoming months and would love to have your name on it! If you would like more information, please feel free to contact Jacqueline Reeves (902-432-4600 or

KD Lunch – Serving Kraft Dinner to our neighbouring Three Oaks High School students is one of our congregation’s primary local missions. It has been a blessing both to the high school community and to our congregation as relationships are formed and hungry students are fed. Whenever I meet someone and tell them about the program they are AMAZED to learn that it runs entirely on the generosity of those within our church family (FYI there is no line in our operating budget for this ministry!).  As we approach the final stretch of this school year, there is a need for more Kraft Dinner and cookies… and possibly above all else, more volunteers! If you love baking cookies but don’t have anybody to share them with, this could be your excuse. If you don’t know how to cook Kraft Dinner but would love to learn, we have GREAT teachers! Basically, if you haven’t had the chance to be involved but would like to, this could be your moment! I encourage you to give it your prayerful consideration and to contact either myself or Debbie Richard (902-888-8799) for more information.


Are you thinking about taking the next step in your journey of faith? Have you ever considered making a public profession of your faith by officially joining the church? In a day-and-age when people are becoming less and less willing to officially join things (Political parties, social clubs, etc.), joining the church has certainly become a counter-cultural statement – to clearly say “This is where I belong and this is what I believe.” If you are curious about what this might look like, please feel free to speak to me about it. I would love to discuss with you both what church membership means and what it involves.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


April 16, 2023

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope each of you had a meaningful Easter weekend! Here are some of the things happening around SPC this weekend.


I have good news for any of you that were hoping to make it to church last Sunday but were unable to for whatever reason. This week we will continue thinking about (and celebrating) Jesus’ resurrection. While our attention last week was on the BIG implications of Jesus’ resurrection throughout the cosmos (Paul said that it reconciled all things in heaven and on earth, bringing them together in Christ); this week our sermon – “Easter (take 2): The Unexpected Guest” (based on John 20:1-31) – will be exploring what his resurrection might mean in our own individual lives.

I hope that you will be able to join us!


Greeters & Counters – If you are looking for an easy way to get involved in the church’s ministry, why not consider volunteering to Greet worshipers before the service and count offering afterward? We will be putting together a new rotation list for the upcoming months and would love to have your name on it! If you would like more information, please feel free to speak to me about it.

KD Lunch – Serving Kraft Dinner to our neighbouring Three Oaks High School students is one of our congregation’s primary local missions. It has been a blessing both to the high school community and to our congregation as relationships are form and hungry students are fed. Whenever I meet someone and tell them about the program they are AMAZED to learn that it runs entirely on the generosity of those within our church family (FYI there is no line in our operating budget for this ministry!).  As we approach the final stretch of this school year, there is a need for more Kraft Dinner and cookies… and possibly above all else, more volunteers! If you love baking cookies but don’t have anybody to share them with, this could be your excuse. If you don’t know how to cook Kraft Dinner but would love to learn, we have GREAT teachers! Basically, if you haven’t had the chance to be involved but would like to, this could be your moment! I encourage you to give it your prayerful consideration and to contact either myself or Debbie Richard (902-888-8799) for more information.


Are you thinking about taking the next step in your journey of faith?  Have you ever considered making a public profession of your faith by officially joining the church? In a day-and-age when people are becoming less and less willing to officially join things (political parties, social clubs, etc.), joining the church has certainly become a counter-cultural statement – to clearly say “This is where I belong and this is what I believe.” If you are curious about what this might look like, please feel free to speak to me about it. I would love to discuss with you both what it means and what it entails!

Well, I think that’s everything for now. I hope everyone has a great weekend and is able to take advantage of that beautiful sunshine! Isn’t it just like medicine for the soul?!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

April 2, 2023

Good morning everyone!

We are quickly approaching Holy Week – the most sacred week of the church year for Christians. As far back as the 3rd century Christians have marked this week with special observances, honouring Jesus’ final week leading up to his death. I have a lot of information to share with you, so let’s get right into it!


Here at SPC, our observances begin on Sunday as we celebrate Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphant entry in the city of Jerusalem. Our service will begin with a joyful parade in which our children will process into the service singing and waving palm branches!  There are even costumes available for those who really want to get into their role! I hope to see as many children as possible taking part in this memorable annual event! After the procession, children will be heading out for a brief Sunday School lesson. They will be rejoining us later in the service for the celebration of Communion.

This week’s message – “Palms & Persistent Prophets” – will focus on Matthew’s telling of Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-11). We will explore what all of the ancient symbolism, on display that day, might mean for those of us trying to live faithfully today.

Looking for a Reader: I am looking for someone who will volunteer to read a brief passage of scripture during the service on Sunday. If you would like to be involved in this way, just send me an email and we can work out the details.

A Note about Colour: The colour purple has long been the colour of the season of Lent. Beyond its association with royalty, it is a colour that suggests repentance and solemnity. When you enter the church on Sunday, you will notice the prominence of purple, placed on significant places such as the cross and the communion table. Those who know me well might be able to tell you that on significant days of the church year, I will do my best to dress with these liturgical colours in mind. Normally on Sunday I would be wearing a purple shirt and tie for instance. However, this year will be a bit different. Sunday (April 2) is also World Autism Day – an occasion that is near and dear to me. So, for this year, I will be wearing blue in recognition of that important day.


Our next service will be a joint Maundy Thursday service with our friends from Trinity United Church. We will be gathering in our building on Thursday evening (April 6th) at 7:30 pm to worship and reflect on the final meal that Jesus shares with his closest disciples. It is during the course of that meal that he gives them one final commandment (“mandate” or “mandatum” in Latin): “that you love one another as I loved you”. (John 13:34)

Then the following day we meet at Trinity United (90 Spring St.) at 10:30 am for our joint Good Friday service.

I hope that if you are able you will take part in these meaningful services.


Tomorrow morning (Saturday) ladies from our SPC family are invited to get together for a time of breakfast and fellowship at the Star Cafe (271 Water St.) at 9 am. If you haven’t attended a Ladies’ Breakfast before, they would love to have you join them!


One of the ways that our church family is able to minister to those in our community is through the hosting and catering of small events (for example receptions, special family occasions, etc.). However, this important ministry requires that we have volunteers who are willing to help with some of the various duties associated with catering these events.  We are currently working on compiling a list of volunteers so that we know who is willing to do what. There has already been a great response so THANK YOU to everyone who has offered to serve in some way. I have recently been reminded by those in our community just how meaningful it can be to have the church support them in this way! Keep up the great work! Christ is at work through our offering of hospitality!

If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet or would like more information, please see the sign up sheets on the volunteer table in the church foyer or contact Nancy Harvey (902-887-2956).


“For the past three years, gardeners have been tending to Easter Lily bulbs, getting them ready to bloom in time for Easter Sunday. It isn’t easy – these flowers, which originate in Asia, naturally bloom in the summer. To alter their flowering takes tinkering with light and warmth in greenhouses. Lilies have long been associated with Christianity, but it was only in the early 20th century that they became part of Easter celebrations – and a war almost ended the tradition. 

Christians have long seen lilies as symbolic flowers. Christ spoke of the Lilies of the field, which were more beautiful than even King Solomon’s best robes. Kings tended to wear red or purple, so scholars suspect Jesus may have been speaking of a red flower that blooms in Galilee in the Spring. It was later, in the Middle Ages, that white lilies became associated with Christianity, Originally, they were seen as as a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary. As a result, in Renaissance paintings, they are often in a vase when Gabriel comes to tell Mary of God’s plan for her. Sometimes the angel is holding a white lily as he makes God’s pitch to the virgin. 

The connection to Christ comes later. Christian legends suggest that when Jesus was sweating blood in the garden on the night of his arrest, the drops fell to the ground and became lilies. For this reason, they have been called “white robed apostles of hope.” Later, people noticed that lily bulbs took three years to grow in the ground before they bloomed in glory. This lined up nicely with Christ’s three days of death before he was resurrected. 

Lilies start showing up in churches in the late 19th century, imported from Bermuda and Japan. But a virus wiped out most of the Bermuda crop, and during World War Two, the Japanese refused to export them to the Americans. Fortunately, some farmers in Oregon had been growing some, using bulbs brought back by a family member during World War One. Oregon’s climate and soil turned out to be perfect for the lilies. Today, 90% of Easter lilies in North America come from one area along the Oregon-California border. So, when you next look at an Easter lily, consider that, like a life of compassion and faith, they have taken years to cultivate, yet their bloom is beautiful, and a benefit to others.” (Rev. Stephen Milton, Lawrence Park Community Church, Toronto)

May each of you take time during this upcoming week to reflect on the great love that God has for each of us – a love made known through the actions of Christ throughout this week.

Holy Week Blessings,

Rev. Brad Blaikie

March 25, 2023

Good evening everyone (or Good morning, depending on when you read this!)

As we head toward the fifth Sunday in Lent, here is what you need to know for the weekend:


This Sunday we will be hearing what is (in my opinion) one of the most moving stories in all the Gospels – Jesus’ raising of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha (John 11:1-45). In the message – “The Last Word and the Word After That – John 11:38-45” – we will be thinking about God’s promise of renewal and resurrection and how these realities might be active agents in our daily lives.


Throughout Holy Week, we will journey together through the highs and lows of Jesus’ final week. It begins next Sunday with the celebration of Palm Sunday. Then we will be gathering with our friends and neighbours from Trinity United Church for our annual Maundy Thursday service at our church on Thursday, April 6 at 7:30 pm. The following day we will be joining the congregation of Trinity and taking part in our joint Good Friday service (Friday, April 7 at 10:30 am).

I hope that you will be able to join us for these powerful services and that by doing so, you find your celebration on Easter morning even more meaningful!


“Today is March 24, the feast day of Oscar Romero of El Salvador. It occurs in the midst of Lent, a time when we are encouraged to think about the problems, personal and societal, which led to Christ’s death on the cross. For many, this aspect of Lent is a drag. secular culture encourages us to see life as the pursuit of happiness and pleasure, so any period of renunciation and contemplation of faults seems like a secular heresy. But if we think about Romero’s personal journey, the rationale for Lent becomes more clear. 

Today, Romero is famous for being a champion of the poor of El Salvador in the 1970s. But the fact is, although he was a devout Christian his entire life, he was apolitical for most of it. Romero was chosen as archbishop of El Salvador in 1977 because he seemed like a safe choice. His awakening occurred a few months later, after a fellow Jesuit priest was murdered for speaking out. Romero started to investigate the deaths and disappearances of peasants. He wept for the dead. He used the radio broadcast of his sermons to ask why Christians were killing other Christians in the name of money; he was horrified that the government could condone and encourage this violence.

The night before his death, Romero told soldiers to disobey orders to kill innocent peasants. In retaliation, the next day, an assassin shot him dead as he started mass in a hospital chapel. His funeral was attended by tens of thousands. In 2018, he was named a saint. He died during Lent, a time when we are encouraged to consider the presence of sin in our lives, personal and collective. Romero was crucified with a bullet, and he died at the foot of a large crucifix in the chapel. In many societies, including our own, the pleasures and power-seeking of the few endangers the lives of the many. Christianity is based on that harsh truth, something we are encouraged to consider during Lent. Would our faith be stronger without this period of reflection on personal and collective sin? Has sin faded away, become passe? Something to consider on the feast day of Saint Oscar Romero.” (Rev. Stephen Milton, Lawrence Park Community Church, Toronto)

I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

March 17, 2023

Good morning!

I just wanted to send a quick note to let you know what is happening this weekend.


So, as many of you will remember, a few weeks ago I was supposed to get away but couldn’t due to covid. Well, after a hit-and-miss week weather-wise, I’m glad to report that I am writing this email from the dining room table at my parents! We made it! Last night we stayed at Lacey’s parents and this evening we are in Fredericton. My sister and her family are here as well so it is promising to be a great little getaway!


Because I’m away, Nancy Harvey will be leading worship on Sunday. While I can’t comment on many of the details of the service, it is my understanding that she will be looking at one of the most well-loved passages of scripture: Psalm 23. I hope you are able to make it out to worship for that special occasion.

Nancy will also be handling any pastoral concerns that may arise while I am away. You can contact her at (902) 887-2956.

Thank you Nancy!


Holy Week is just around the corner, beginning with Palm Sunday on April 2. Once again this year we are excited to be able to join with our friends from Trinity United Church for worship on both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The Maundy Thursday service (April 6) will be held at SPC at 7:30 pm. The Good Friday service is the next day (April 7) at 10:30 am at Trinity (90 Spring St.)

We are looking for a couple of readers for the Good Friday service, so if you are planning to attend and would like to take part in that way, just let me know!


This is the strange story of how the first Queen of England tried to ban hot cross buns, and how that ban led to their current name.

The buns with crosses on them were a Catholic invention, and they were lucky they survived the Protestant revolution. Protestants had many beefs with Catholicism, including the plethora of symbols used in churches. The reformers thought all the statues of saints and candles encouraged idolatry, distracting from the worship of the Trinity alone. So, Christ was taken off the cross, the statues of saints thrown on bonfires. But the bun with a cross on it was one of the few survivors of this purge,

Perhaps it was the nostalgia for Catholic symbols, but English Christians soon ascribed great meaning to the humble hot cross bun. The spices were said to invoke the spices Mary and the women brought to treat Jesus’ dead body. The cross provided life-giving powers to those who bought the buns. It was believed that if you hung up a hot cross bun on a string, it could ward off evil spirits from a home. The cross was credited with providing the bun with Christ-like powers to resist decomposition and mould. Young women in Britain were known to hide one away: if they kept it for a year, it would improve their chances of getting married. Some people would crumble a dried bun, mix it with water, and drink it for medicinal purposes.

By the 1580s, common folk in London believed in the power of the buns so much that City officials banned them. Ten years later, Queen Elizabeth herself decided to ban the magical buns altogether in England, but there was such a public outcry that she had to settle for restricting their sale to Good Friday, Christmas and funerals.

The “hot” in the name comes from how they were sold on Good Friday. In Protestant England, all shops had to close on Good Friday. So, on that morning, bakers and their families would take to the streets with freshly baked crossed buns and cry out in the streets “Hot Cross Buns!” (The emphasis being on the word “hot”.) So, the name implies a bun that was straight out of the oven, kept warm in baskets covered by cloths. So, if you have a hot cross bun sometime during this Lent or Easter season, be thankful that the people were able to eventually overcome the tyranny of this royal decree on this most savory of buns!    (Stephen Milton, Lawrence Park Community Church, Toronto)

Well, I hope each of you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you when I am back (should be early next week). In the meantime, maybe I’ll ask mom if she has a hot cross bun recipe… I suddenly have a craving!

Rev. Brad

March 10, 2023

Good morning everyone!

Happy Friday! It’s time for another Weekend Update. Here is what’s happening with our Summerside Presbyterian family this weekend:


“Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?” That was the invitation of a woman who met Jesus one day at Jacob’s well.

On this third Sunday in Lent, our message – “We Don’t Even Know Her Name” – is going to focus on the role of women in our faith (March is Women’s History Month) and more specifically, why the story of this woman’s encounter with Jesus was important, both in her own day and in ours. (see John 4:1-42)  These themes are also highlighted in the beautiful piece by Brian Wren & Alfred Fedak that the choir will be presenting for us – “Woman in the Night”.


Just a reminder that this Sunday the time changes. Attached to this email is a copy of a hymn to help you remember. Written by Dean MacIntyre, it can be sung to the well-known tune of “God of grace and God of glory”.  Have fun singing throughout the day tomorrow and before bed you’ll be sure to remember to set your clocks ahead an hour!


Holy Week is just around the corner, beginning with Palm Sunday on April 2. Once again this year we are excited to be able to join with our friends from Trinity United Church for worship on both Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The Maundy Thursday service (April 6) will be held at SPC at 7:30 pm. The Good Friday service is the next day (April 7) at 10:30 am at Trinity (90 Spring St.)

We are looking for a couple of readers for the Good Friday service, so if you are planning to attend and would like to take part in that way, just let me know.

And again this week, I will end by giving you SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT.

“Why is Lent associated with fish?

For a long time, Catholics were expected to fast until dinnertime during Lent, and when they sat down to that big meal, they couldn’t eat meat, or eggs, but they could eat fish. What made fish okay, but meat verboten? And how did this practice produce McDonald’s Filet O’ Fish sandwich?

Even before Lent was practiced, Christians were eating fish when they ended their fasts. In the early days, it was common to fast on Fridays until dinner time. The meal of choice was fish. Thus was justified on the basis of the fact that on the sixth day of creation, God made animals and humans. Christ sacrificed his flesh for us on Good Friday (the 6th day of teh week). Ergo, it would be in bad taste, as it were, to eat flesh on a Friday. However, since fish were created on the fifth day of creation, it was fine to eat them. This logic was later extended to all of Lent when fasts were prescribed for every  day but Sunday. Each day’s fast could end with a fish on the table, which was wise, since poor people couldn’t afford to eat meat very often.

By the mid 20th century, most American Catholics were still eating fish on Fridays during Lent. That was a probably for a local McDonald’s franchise owner in Cincinnati, whose customers were mostly Catholics. Every Friday he saw business drop off as Catholics avoided his burgers and went to fish restaurants. In 1962, Lou Groen decided to provide his own fish meal at his burger joint, with a sandwich he called the Filet o’ Fish. It worked. Sales went back up on Fridays, and in 1965, it became the first addition to the original McDonald’s menu, nationwide. 

Today, Catholics have more choices about what they eat during Lent. True fasts are only required on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, and meat is forbidden. Fasting or abstinence on Fridays is still recommended all year. Fish may not play as big a role as they did in the Lents of yesteryear, but McDonald’s still finds that it makes a difference – 25% of sales occur during Lent. And that’s no fish tale.”  (Rev. Stephen Milton, Lawrence Park Community Church, Toronto)

The weather forecast looks promising so I hope that each of you have a great weekend!

Maybe enjoy a Filet O’ Fish while you are out and about! (I know that after reading that story, I probably will! Yumm!)

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

March 3, 2023

Hello members & friends of Summerside Presbyterian Church,

It’s time for another “Weekend Update”!  I missed last week so I’ve got a lot to share!


As many of you know, I was unable to attend this year’s annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. My absence however didn’t seem to keep people away (perhaps the pancakes have been the attraction all along and not just the chance to share a meal with me! ?) because the evening brought in $640! That is money that will be used to continue the ministry we provide right here in our local community!

Unfortunately I didn’t end up going away after all. Certain members of our household seem to have brought covid home from school. While I only had mild symptoms, we knew that it wasn’t a good idea for me to be travelling and potentially spreading the virus. I ended up participating in my meetings over Zoom. Everyone in our family seems to be fully recovered and are enjoying being out-and-about once again.

Once again, a big THANK YOU to Rev. Andrew Richardson for leading worship for us!


A few weeks ago a special appeal was made to Presbyterians congregations across the Island, asking for some extra financial support for the ministry of Camp Keir. Due to damage done by Hurricane Fiona and some other much needed update, the camp was in a position where they needed an additional $12000. I’m very excited to let you know that $1450 was donated from those within our SPC family!  Amazing! That money will go a long way to ensuring that our camp can continue its transformative ministry among our Island youth!


This week is the second Sunday in the season of Lent. In our message – “Stepping Into the Unknown” – we will be reflecting on both Abram (Genesis 12:1-14) and Nicodemus (John 3:1-17). While they lived in very different times and seemingly very different worlds, both found themselves being invited to step out onto a journey of faith. I wonder what those of us today might take away from such stories?

Immediately following worship, we will be holding this year’s ANNUAL MEETING. I know that there are lots of myths circulating about annual meetings.

Myth #1 is that annual meetings are only for members of the Board and those who are interested in financial issues. That is a myth! While monet and budgets do take up some time at annual meetings, it is important to remember that the decisions we make about how we spend our money are directly related to what we believe about God and about our role in God’s mission. These are issues that concern everyone in the church!

Myth #2 is that annual meetings are only open to members of a congregation that are enrolled on the membership list. That is a myth! Congregational meetings are open to everyone – members and adherents alike. That means if you come to church but aren’t on the membership roll, you can still come and be involved. That means if you don’t come every week but only whenever you can, you can still come and be involved!

Myth #3 is that annual meetings are long and boring. This is a myth! In recent years our annual meetings haven'[t lasted much longer than an hour. This is time that flies by when you are engaged in discussions about something as exciting as how God has been – and prayerfully will be – at work in the life and ministry of your church!

The truth is that churches are at their best when they have input from as many people as possible! God’s will is best discerned in groups by different people with different ideas. The more input and involvement we have, the better we can discern where God might be calling us to go!

I hope that you will plan to stay and join us for this important time together!


This week I came across a piece of writing by Rev. Stephen Milton who is the minister at Lawrence Park Community Church in Toronto. I thought it was worth sharing.

“Does Lent still matter?

Why should one part of the year be marked out as different from all other days of the calendar? Lent appeared in the 300s, at a time when it was normal for people to take time out to pray, and to go to house churches for communion. This time-out-of-time was a form of protest against the pagan majority, with their festivals devoted to various gods like Mars and Fortuna. As Christianity became the majority religion in the Middle Ages, Lent was still marked as a time apart. you couldn’t get married during Lent. Theatres closed, and so did the courts. The church felt it would be unseemly for people to laugh too hard at a play, or get angry in court. Even church bells rang more quietly during Lent.

When the modern world arrived, a new kind of time appeared. Time was now about money and productivity. One could lose money by “losing” time, and make money by “saving” time. Local clock towers used to set the time based on when the sun was highest overhead – noon. When trains and telegraphs appeared in the 19th century, these local times played havoc with train schedules, so time zones were imposed over vast areas. Time became absolute, divorced from when noon really occurred in a town. The technology of the internet has taken this to a new level. Websites are open 24 hours a day, and we can shop any time of day online. It would be bizarre to find an online store that was only open from 9-6. Time has become a flow, with every millisecond as potentially productive as the next. 

This idea that time is homogenous is why Lent still matters. In Lent, we are reminded that time is as much a quality as a quantity. The time of heartbreak and the time of joy are utterly different. Lent is human time, penetrated by a divine presence, which calls for a pause, contemplation, and some sacrifice. Lent is a time when we are reminded that the point of life is not to have everything, on demand. In Lent, waiting has value; pausing is often better than reacting. Lent is difficult because it is utterly at odds with the gods of the modern world, which demand productivity at all times. Lent is an opportunity to take back time, to slow it down. The fact that it seems like a “waste” of productive time is precisely why it is still worth doing.”  

I hope that each of you have a great weekend. Take some time to slow down, some time for prayer and contemplation… and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

February 19, 2023

Hello everybody!

Welcome to the long weekend! And what a busy weekend it is!  I heard on the radio this morning that athletes have started arriving this morning at the Charlottetown airport for the Canada Games. It should be a fun and busy couple of weeks here on our little island.

Here is what is happening around Summerside Presbyterian over the next few days.


Let me start by saying a HUGE thank you to everyone who took part in this great initiative! Our team, the Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers, managed to raise $3,995 to help support Life House Transitional Housing Emergency Shelter here in town. It was a great evening of fellowship and laughter amongst our team of walkers and with others in our community. Together, all of the teams who participated raised $73,883!!! The Apostle Paul wrote to the Galatians and reminded them that where they saw certain “fruit” they could be sure that God’s Spirit was there. One of those qualities listed was generosity (Galatians 5:22). From what I saw during this event, God’s Spirit is certainly present and at work in our city!


We have spent the last few weeks looking at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). I remember from my days in preaching class being reminded of how important the ending of a sermon is. I also have heard someone suggest how challenging it is to actually end a sermon well – “Ending a sermon well is like trying to get out of a canoe gracefully.”  This week our sermon – “Construction 101” (Matthew 7:12-29) – considers how Jesus ends his famous sermon. Perhaps how he concludes contains a valuable warning for those of us who read his words today.

Later in the service we will be celebrating the sacrament of Communion. I hope everyone who is able will join us!


This Tuesday is known as “Shrove Tuesday,” the day before the season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Traditionally on this day people would attempt to clear out their cupboards of sweets and other foods that they were going to “give up” for Lent. So emerged the practice of pancakes suppers on the night before Ash Wednesday.

This year we are excited to once again be holding our annual Pancake Supper! This Tuesday you are invited to come and enjoy a meal of pancakes, sausages, tea & coffee, and dessert. Admission is $10 for adults & $5 for children (with a cap of $25 per family).


Now I need to inform you of the extremely regrettable situation that I find myself in.

A number of years ago I let my name stand to serve on one of our church’s national committees – the Church Doctrine Committee. I see volunteering my time to serve in this way as an opportunity to give back to and support the ministries of our church at the national level. I have enjoyed the experience very much, though I knew when I volunteered that it would end up costing me to a degree. I knew that there would be certain things that I would have to sacrifice or miss out on. I never imagined at the time though that one of those things would be our annual Pancake Supper! ?

That’s right, I am going to miss our Pancake Supper because I am flying up to Toronto for meetings – very disappointing! But I want you to know that I will be thinking of you as you enjoy this time of food and fellowship with each other!

I’m glad to let you know that Rev. Andrew Richardson will be here on Sunday, February 26th to lead worship. He has told me that he’s looking forward to the opportunity to lead you in worship and I know that you will make him feel welcomed (as you always do!)

While I am away, if there are any pastoral emergencies I would encourage you to contact our Coordinator of Pastoral Ministries, Nancy Harvey (902) 888-9841.

I hope that each of you have a fun and safe Islander Day Weekend.

Stay safe in the expected weather and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

February 12, 2023

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope everyone is managing to stay safe and warm during this messy day.  Here at Summerside Presbyterian there are lots of things going on this weekend to be excited about!


Can you believe that it’s finally here?! Saturday evening a group of us will be taking part in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk, raising money for LifeHouse Transitional Housing – Summerside’s first emergency shelter for vulnerable women and children. What a great cause. When we began we set a fundraising goal of $1000. We are currently at $3370!! We have raised 337% of our goal! That’s absolutely amazing! Thank you so much to everyone who has taken part, either by volunteering to walk with us or by making a donation.

If you haven’t had a chance to donate yet but would still like to, there is still time. All you have to do is visit the webpage . Our team is the “Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers. On our team page there is a “Donate” – it will walk you through the easy process of making a donation. If you prefer to give in-person, you can contact Debbie Richard or Wendy Gallant or myself. Thank you again for all of your incredible support!


I need to warn you, this week’s text is a doozy! (I believe that is the technical term) We will be continuing with Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount by reading Matthew 5:17-48. It is a passage that covers a lot of ground so hang on! In the sermon – “Jesus, Valentine, and the Question of the Law” – we will attempt to unpack and make sense of what Jesus is trying to get his disciples to understand.


Just a Head’s Up – Next week we will be collecting a special offering to help support the ministry of Camp Keir. By encouraging campers to know Jesus Christ and fostering a greater awareness of God’s presence in their lives, Camp Keir plays a vital role in the youth ministry that happens here on our island. Due to a couple of unusual occurrences (Hurricane Fiona and such), the camp is in need of additional funding this year to help cover the cost of repairs and some necessary maintenance. Below you will find a link to a video which has been prepared by our Camp Director Chloe Hamilton. In it she outlines some of these needs, in addition to highlighting the ministry of the camp and the transformative role that camp can play in the faith journeys of our young people. I encourage you to take a few minutes and check it out. Then give some prayerful consideration to how you might support this important ministry. Special envelopes will be available.

That’s all for now. Stay safe and I hope to see you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

February 5, 2023

Hi Folks!

It sounds like we have a cold weekend ahead of us! In light of that, there are lots of things going on this weekend to help keep you warm! Here are a few!


The pastor and author A.W. Tozer once wrote that “It is one thing to have a lot of information about God, but it is another to bask in the warmth and reality of His presence.”  How true! Since it is going to be too cold to do much of anything outside, why not warm up by joining us for worship?

This week the children will be staying in worship, so the service is being planned with them in mind. There will be lots of singing and using the instruments and who knows…. maybe even some dancing! As we continue looking at Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5:13-16), the sermon – “Small Things, Big Change” – will encourage us to consider how, much like salt and light, followers of Jesus can have a big impact on the world around them!

If you know any children (or perhaps grandchildren) that would enjoy joining us for worship, I encourage you to bring them along! It promises to be a fun and engaging service for those of all ages!


Beginning Friday at 7 pm at the Summerside Fire Department #1 (Fitzroy Street Entrance)

The city has never done this before but given that the weekend is going to be so cold, the city council has directed the staff to have this setup for the extreme cold forecast this weekend. This is meant for those who would otherwise be out in the cold. Staff will be on hand to assist individuals in contacting the Provincial Shelter Services line at 1-833-220-4722.

On Saturday a couple of churches are also opening their doors for anyone who wants to drop by!

Beginning on Saturday morning at 7 am, the St. Mary’s Anglican Church Hall (74 Summer St.) is opening up for coffee and tea. Breakfast will be served from 8:30 to 11. They will be open until 12:30.

From 1 to 3 pm Trinity United Church (90 Spring St.) are opening their doors. People are invited to come warm up with complimentary tea, coffee, & hot chocolate. Enjoy conversation, board games and a hot beverage! Everyone is welcome! Together let’s try to keep everybody warm and safe this weekend!


The Free Store here in Summerside is requesting donations of warm blankets. Donations can be dropped off on Tuesdays from 3:30 – 6:30 pm. T|he FRee Store is located at 109 Water Street; drop off is at the back of the building which is accessed from the parking lot, off King Street.


And finally, while this weekend promises to be a cold one, the Coldest Night of the Year very well could be next Saturday; that is the day that our congregational team (the Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers) will be taking part in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk. Together with others in our community we are raising money for the LifeHouse Transitional Housing which provides safe accomodations for vulnerable women and children here in Summerside. We have already surpassed our fundraising goal and to date have raised $2185! If you would like to be involved all you have to do is go to and find our team. On that page you can either sign up to participate as a walker or support us with a donation. If you prefer to give in person or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debbie Richard or Wendy Gallant or you can call the church office at (902) 436-2557. Thank you again for all of your continued support!

I think that’s about it for now. I hope everyone manages to have a safe (and warm!) weekend!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

January 27, 2023

Hi Folks!

Here is what’s happening around Summerside Presbyterian this weekend.


Over the next few weeks we will be focusing on one of the most influential portions of our Bibles – Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. This sermon is so revolutionary that one author, E. Stanley Jones, has claimed that “The Sermon on the Mount seems dangerous.” He goes on to say that “It challenges the whole underlying conception on which modern society is built. It would replace it by a new conception, animate it with a new motive, and turn it toward a new goal.”

Our journey through Jesus’ sermon begins this week with Matthew 5:1-12, commonly known as the Beatitudes. In the sermon – “The Case of Colliding Kingdoms” – we will think about what these “beatitudes are and why they are so important.

During our Children’s Time we are continuing our reflections on The Lord’s Prayer, followed by Sunday School.

Make sure you join us if you are able!


Well, since my last email our team has added new members and we have surpassed that original fundraising goal that we had set for ourselves. But don’t worry, there is still lots of time for you to get involved. All you have to do is go to (our team is the Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers). On that page you can either sign up to participate as a walker or support us with a donation. If you prefer to give in person or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debbie Richard or Wendy Gallant or you can call the church office at (902) 436-2557. Thank you again for all of your continued support!


It’s hard to believe but the summer camping season is just around the corner, and so our friends at Camp Keir are already busy planning and preparing. They recently circulated a “Wish List” of items that they need. Are you able to help out by supplying any of the following? If so, donated items can be brought to the church and we will make sure that they get to the camp. Thanks in advance!

Craft Supplies ● Paper (Cardstock, construction, lined, printer paper, newspaper) ● Markers ● Paint (Water Based – all colors) ● Paint Brushes ● Paint Canvases (All sizes) ● Scissors ● Tape ● Ribbons ● Chalk ● Binders ● Pom Poms ● Pipe Cleaners ● Glitter Glue ● Elmer’s Glue (Large jugs for slime) ● Cloth ● Glass jars (Empty and clean baby food jars are perfect)

General ● Toothpaste ● Tooth brushes ● Deodorant ● Hair Ties ● Towels ● Flip Flops/ Sandals ● Dress up clothes (costumes, clothes, or shoes that can be used for themes and dress up at camp) ● Tarps ● Rope ● Plastic gloves (disposable)

Sports ● Bikes (all sizes – appropriate for an age range of 6-15 year olds) ● Helmets ● Lifejackets ● Canoe Paddles ● Balls (plastic, dodgeballs, soccer balls, volley balls, foot balls… ect.) ● Pool Noodles ● Water toys (buckets, shovels, floaties

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

January 20, 2023

Good morning and Happy Weekend Everyone!

Here is what is happening around Summerside Presbyterian over the next few days.


This week in worship we are thinking about what it means to be “called by God”. In the message – “What Grace Thomas Learned in Sunday School” – we will be thinking about Jesus’ call to his first disciples as it is told in Matthew 4:12-23.

Last week during our “Children’s Time” we began thinking about The Lord’s Prayer. This week, as we continue our journey through this important prayer, we will reflect on what it means to ask God to “give us today our daily bread”. Following this, children are invited to join Debbie downstairs for Sunday School.

Fellowship Time! – After the service everyone is encouraged to stay for a time of coffee and fellowship! What a great chance to catch up with our friends and neighbours we haven’t seen in a while!


Are you interested in learning more about worship, what it is and why we do it? Do you have an interest in looking to the weeks ahead and providing input and ideas to help keep our services engaging and meaningful? If so, you are invited to join me here at the church on Monday evening (January 23rd) at 7 pm for a time dedicated to thinking about worship. Everyone is welcome to attend!


Our congregation has once again entered a team in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk for LifeHouse Transitional Housing here in Summerside on Saturday, February 11th. Together with thousands of Canadians across the country, we are walking and fundraising to support and serve people and families experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger in our community. We encourage you to join us by either being a walker or by sponsoring us with a donation. We initially set a goal for ourselves of raising $1000 and we have already received $755 of that! Imagine if we met our goal?! Imagine if we even exceeded it?!! We would have to find a way to celebrate somehow! Anyway, a HUGE THANK YOU to all those who have supported us so far.

If you haven’t had a chance to get involved in this project but would still like to, you can do so by going directly to their website at (our team is the Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers). On that page you can either sign up to participate as a walker or support us with a donation. If you prefer to give in person or would like more information, please feel free to contact Debbie Richard or Wendy Gallant or you can call the church office at (902) 436-2557. Thank you again for all of your continued support!

I think that’s about it for now. I hope you have a restful and safe weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

January 13, 2023

Good afternoon everyone!

What a messy start to our weekend! Hopefully things settle down as the day (and the weekend) progress. Since most of us are probably sticking around inside today, here is some weekend information for you to think about.


As we continue to move through this “season after epiphany,” a lot of our scripture readings will be inviting us to consider who the person of Jesus is and why our answer to that question matters. In this week’s message – entitled “WWJBD?”  (based on John 1:29-42) – we will be looking at the ministry of John the Baptist and thinking about what we might learn about our own ministry.


Let me tell you a story about a minister who used to be an “inconsistent-giver”. He would arrive at church on Sunday morning with his mind so preoccupied with preparing for worship that he was constantly forgetting to get cash out to put in the offering plate. He would have to text his wife at the last minute and it was just always a kerfuffle. Then one day he learned about the PAR program (Pre-Authorized Remittance). Now he is able to give every month and never has to worry about forgetting his offering. (Alright, it’s me… I was the inconsistent giver! That’s my confession!)

If any of that sounds vaguely familiar to you then I want to remind you that these days there are lots of different ways to give your financial support to the church:

PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) – With this safe and easy program, your monthly donation is automatically withdrawn from your bank account every month. No more having to remember and scramble to find cash to put in the plate. No more having to worry about not being able to continue to support, even when you are not there. It only takes a couple of moments to setup and you can cancel or change your donation amount at any time. To get set up or for more information speak to Cheri in the church office.

E-transfers – You can also donate by sending an e-transfer to It’s so convenient you can do it from the comfort of your couch!

Envelopes – Tried and true! For many, there is no substitute for the act the physically putting something in the offering plate. Each week they find it a meaningful expression of their worship. Envelopes are ready to be picked up and are available in the church foyer.

Regardless of how you choose to give, know that each gift is a valuable contribution to the life and ministry of our congregation and is GREATLY appreciated! Thank you!.


Our congregation has once again entered a team in the Coldest Night of the Year fundraising walk for LifeHouse Transitional Housing here in Summerside on Saturday, February 11th! Together with thousands of Canadians across the country, we are walking and fundraising to support and serve people and families experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger in our community. We encourage you to join us by either being a walker or by sponsoring us with a donation. You can do this by going directly to their website at (our team is the Summerside Presbyterian Trekkers) or you can contact Debbie Richard or Wendy Gallant or you can call the church office at (902) 436-2557. Thanks in advance for all of your support!

I hope each of you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie


JANUARY 7, 2023

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the first full weekend of 2023! I hope that everyone had a meaningful holiday season.


Last Sunday in worship Rev. Linda spent some time considering one of the traditional Epiphany stories – the magi traveling great distances to come and pay homage to the Christ-child. This week we are going to continue with that story as it is found in Matthew’s Gospel (Matthew 2:1-23). The focus of the message, entitled “The Empire Strikes Back”, will be on Herod’s response to the news of the birth of this child. I hope you will join us as we consider how the good news of God’s Kingdom can irritate and provoke those in power who wish to maintain the status quo.


In one of his letters to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul holds up the believers in Macedonia as a prime example of how joy in the good news of the Gospel will result in a spirit of generosity. He says that even though they don’t have many resources and are being tested by many troubles, they are also “filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity.” (2 Corinthians 8:2) In a similar way, here at SPC our abundant joy has once again manifested itself in an incredible outpouring of generosity.

During the month of December we took part in our annual “Bright Bulb Giving Tree” initiative. Once again the response has been amazing! When combined with our general offerings, $28,200 was received!  Another $435 was given to our Building Fund. All of these gifts will help our congregation continue to minister faithfully within the Summerside community.

In addition to all this $1350 was given for Presbyterian World Service & Development and $855 for Presbyterian Sharing.

When all of that giving is added up it comes to $30,840!!! It’s clear that our congregation must be alot like the Macedonians – “filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity”!

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has continued to contribute to the ministry of our church family. Your support is amazing!


You may remember that before Christmas I brought to your attention that our local Meals on Wheels program was looking for volunteers. Only an hour a day can make a big difference in the lives of seniors in our community. There is still a need so I would ask you to prayerfully consider if this might be something you could help out with. For more information you can call (902) 888-8335.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

Rev Brad Blikie

DECEMBER 22, 2022

It’s hard to believe that the Christmas weekend is upon us! Here is what is happening around Summerside Presbyterian this weekend:


This year we are holding two “Christmas Eve” services. Recognizing that many may not be able to join us on Christmas Eve, we have decided to have one of our “Christmas Eve” services on Friday evening, December 23rd. This service will be designed with young children in mind. At this service, children are encouraged to come and worship the newborn baby who would grown to be their Saviour. As they come and participate, they are encouraged to bring with them all of their excitement and enthusiasm as these are essential to the way in which children worship. (While the service has been designed with children in mind, those of all ages will be encouraged by hearing the Christmas story and singing those well-loved carols!)

The following evening (December 24th) is our more traditional Christmas Eve service. Through scripture readings and the singing of carols, we will celebrate the Saviour that was born so long ago in Bethlehem.

Please plan to join us for one (or both!) of these special services!


This year we will be gathering for worship on Christmas Day at 10:30 am. There is perhaps no better way to celebrate Christmas than for you (and any visiting family members that you may find at your home!) to join us for a brief time of worship. Together we will rejoice in awe and wonder as we sing and reflect upon the meaning and miracle of Christ’s birth. Please plan to join us! (FYI: Christmas Day doesn’t fall on a Sunday again until 2033! That means that this will be your last chance to attend a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas morning for the next 11 years! Make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity this year!)


We need to extend a BIG thank you to the Synod of the Atlantic Provinces! Through the synod’s mission committee, they made a very generous donation of $500 in support of our local food drive! That money can be used by our local Salvation Army to assist in the important work that they do within our community this time of year. Thank you synod!


Here at Summerside Presbyterian I feel like 2022 has been one of our best years of ministry! (Anyone who wants to know why I feel that way is encouraged to ask me sometime. I LOVE talking about all of the incredible ways that this community of faith is participating in Christ’s ministry!)  A HUGE thank you to everyone whose generosity throughout the year has made all that we do possible! With only a couple of weeks left to the year there is still a chance to contribute and show your support through financial gifts; or if you are able, to go above and beyond what you have already given. Inspired by the Magi who brought gifts for the Christ-child as an act of worship, and following on the success of last year’s initiative, once again there will be different coloured bulbs provided by the white tree in the foyer, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

red = $20

blue = $50

silver = $100

gold = $500

dark purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or by stopping in to see Cheri in the church office.

For those who may not be able to give in person, cheques can be sent to

Summerside Presbyterian Church

130 Victoria Rd.

Summerside, PE

C1N 2G5  

or by etransfer to

Thank you once again for all of your incredible generosity and support!

In closing, I hope that I will get to see and worship with as many of you as possible over the next few days. May this Christmas season serve as a reminder that during the darkest of days, there is still a light that continues to shine in the darkness, and the darkness will never be able to put it out! (see John 1:5)

I wish each of you all of the hope, peace, joy and love that the message of the Christmas seasons brings!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 16, 2022

Hello SPC Family!

Isn’t it hard to believe that we are about to enter the final week before Christmas?! I know that this final week always seems to be a busy one.  Many of us will spend the week making final preparations for Christmas: gift buying, wrapping, meal planning, etc. Well, to prepare yourselves for the busyness of the week ahead, I hope each of you will be able to take some time this weekend to fully ready your spirits for the celebration of Christmas. Here are some things happening this weekend that can provide you with the opportunity you might need to slow down and reflect on the many gifts of the Christmas season.


On the fourth Sunday of Advent we light the candle representing LOVE. In our message, “Advent – A Season for Looking Within”, we will be thinking about the character of Joseph and the impact of the courageous choice he had to make (see Matthew 1:18-25).


What better way to prepare ourselves for Christmas than to sit in the beautiful sanctuary of Trinity United Church and listen to the wonderful offerings of the Summerside Community Choir? Directed by Krista Bryson, this afternoon of music is guaranteed to lift your spirits with comfort and joy! Tickets are $15. The show is on Sunday, December 18th.  The doors open at 1:30 pm and the concert begins at 2:00 pm.


While this season is full of joy and celebrations, for so many it is also marked by challenges and struggles. This special service being held at Trinity United  on Tuesday, December 20th at 6:30 pm, is designed for anyone struggling this time of year. Come and find yourselves surrounded with love, hope and support.


This year we are holding two “Christmas Eve” services. Recognizing that many may be unable to join us on December 24th, we have decided to have one of our “Christmas Eve” services on December 23rd. This service will be designed with young children in mind. At this service, children are encouraged to come and worship the newborn baby who would grow to be their Saviour. As they come and participate, they are encouraged to bring with them all of their excitement and enthusiasm as these are essential to the way in which children worship. (While the service will be designed with children in mind, those of all ages will be encouraged by hearing the Christmas story and singing those well-loved carols!)

The following evening (December 24th) is our more traditional Christmas Eve service. Through scripture readings and the singing of some of those well-loved carols, we will celebrate the Saviour that was born so long ago in Bethlehem. Please plan to join us for one (or both!)of these services.


This year Christmas Day falls on a Sunday, meaning that we will still be gathering for worship at 10:30 am. There is perhaps no better way to celebrate Christmas than for you (and any visiting family members that you may find at your home!) to join us for a brief time of worship. Together we will rejoice in awe and wonder as we sing and reflect upon the miracle of Christ’s birth and its many implications. Please plan to join us!  (FYI: This will be your last chance to attend a Sunday morning worship service on Christmas morning until the year 2033 – Make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity this year!)


So far during the season of Advent we have brought in our gifts of food items and white gifts and placed them under the white tree in the foyer. These gifts were then transported to the Salvation Army to assist in the incredible local outreach that they do in our community during this time of year. Now it is time to approach the “Giving Tree” once again, but this time with our gifts for the ongoing ministry of SPC. Inspired by the Magi who brought gifts for the Christ-child as an act of worship, and following on the success of last year’s initiative, once again there will be different coloured bulbs provided, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

red =$20

blue = $50

silver = $100

gold = $500

dark purple = $1000

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in the see Cheri in the church office.


Before we end, I want to give you an update on the Bake Sale that was held last week after the service. A total of $886.45 was raised! That money is going to Presbyterian World Service & Development to make an impact in some of the most challenging situations around the world. A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who took part in this great initiative either by providing or purchasing baked goods! Great job SPC!

In closing, I hope that everyone has a great week! Don’t let the busyness and stress of the final days of Advent distract you from the Christmas message of God’s love which shines on us and through us.

I hope to see you all soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

Rev Brad Blikie




December 11, 2022

Happy Snowy Saturday everyone!

In January it can all melt away but isn’t it nice to see the snow on the ground in December? Nothing puts me in the “Christmas spirit” quite like it, unless of course it is going to church on the Third Sunday of Advent, lighting our candle of JOY and thinking about the Christmas story!  Well that’s what this week’s worship service entails.


Traditionally the Third Sunday of Advent has been called “Gaudete Sunday” meaning “Rejoice” and marks the halfway point of our Advent journey to Christmas. It was a Sunday when the solemness of the Advent season was set aside for a day of rejoicing at the nearness of Christmas.

On Sunday we are going to be marking the occasion by having a joyful and music-filled celebration as we are reminded of just how close Christmas is! With the service centered around children, together we will be singing Christmas carols and thinking about the Christmas story (as it is found in Luke 2:1-20) can be a source of joy for us in our day-to-day lives. I hope everyone comes ready to celebrate and rejoice! This will be a service that you won’t want to miss!


Do you have a favourite reading or poem that you love to recite during the Christmas season? During Sunday’s service there will be a time for sharing some of our favourite Christmas poems, readings & greetings. You can spend this snowy day thinking about it and I hope that some of you will come prepared to share your favourite reading with us. It’s worth noting that I have a few favourites, so if some of the children want to participate in sharing a reading I will be glad to provide them with one!


How fitting that this year’s bake sale coincides with the Sunday of JOY? In my mind, nothing says joy like Christmas baking! Immediately following the service we will be holding our “Easiest Bake Sale in the World”. How this works is that everyone is encouraged to bring their baked goods to church with them, already packaged. Everything will be placed on tables in the Fellowship Hall. After service, people are invited to shop. Nothing will be priced. Everything is by donation, money and cheques will be put into a jar, change can be made if necessary. All proceed from the sale will be towards Presbyterian World Service & Development.. I can’t wait! What a great chance to pick up some treats to have on hand during the holidays!


So far during the season of Advent we have brought in our gifts of food items and white gifts and placed them under the white tree in the foyer. These gifts were then transported to the Salvation Army to assist in the incredible local outreach that they do in our community during this time of year. Now it is time to approach the “Giving Tree” once again, but this time with our gifts for the ongoing ministry of SPC. Inspired by the Magi who brought gifts for the Christ-child as an act of worship, and following on the success of last year’s initiative, once again there will be different coloured bulbs provided, each colour representing a different numerical value as follows:

red =$20

blue = $50

silver = $100

gold = $500

By placing one of the colourful bulbs on the tree you are pledging your support of the amount represented by the colour of the bulb. These monetary gifts can be received through the weekly offering or during the week by stopping in the see Cheri in the church office.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!

Rev. Brad Blaikie

December 1, 2022

Alright Everyone!

The first weekend of December is always a busy one and this year is no exception!  Here is what our SPC family should know as we head into this weekend:


It’s that time again! Possibly one of my favourite events of the year – Cookies & Christmas! Everyone is encouraged to join us Saturday morning at the church from 10 am to 12 for a time of crafts, cookie decorating, singing and story-telling. This is an all ages event so we hope that as many people as possible will join us! We can’t wait to see you there!


This Sunday we light our second Advent candle representing PEACE.

After listening to the scripture readings: Isaiah 11:1-10 & Matthew 3:1-12, the message  (“Advent – A Season for Looking Around”)  will encourage us to consider some of the important ways that we can work towards peace in our lives, in our families, and in our communities.


This week we will be wrapping up our Christmas food drive. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has participated so far! I think that this may possibly be the most donations we have ever received and I could not be more proud of the generosity demonstrated by our SPC family! If you haven’t had a chance to drop off a donation yet, there is still time. Non-perishable food items can be brought with you on Sunday morning, or a financial gift can be left in the Giving Jar in the foyer.


This Sunday is also WHITE GIFT SUNDAY.

The roots of White Gift Sunday can be traced back to a small Methodist church in Ohio in 1904. The story is told of a minister’s wife who initiated the idea in order to solve the problem of inequity of gifts given at the Sunday School Christmas party. Instead of focusing on receiving gifts, the focus shifted to bringing gifts to Jesus that could in turn be shared with people around the world who did not have much. All the gifts would come wrapped in plain white paper, so that no one would know which was an expensive gift and which was a more modest one. No one would feel ashamed of their gift and everyone would share in the joy of giving to others.

Each year at SPC we continue that tradition. You can bring gifts, wrapped in white paper or a bag, with you on Sunday morning.

During the service we will be saying a special prayer of thanksgiving & dedication over all that has been offered – both food donations and white gifts. In the upcoming week all of the donated items will be taken over to the Salvation Army to assist in the important outreach ministries that they provide in our community during this time of year.


Finally, I received a note from the Salvation Army about this year’s Kettle Drive. They are looking for volunteers to help them collect the funds they rely on this season to help those in need. The shifts are two-hours in length and throughout the Summerside area. The locations include stores like Superstore, Giant Tiger, Sobey’s, etc. If you would like to help and have some fun, please call Wilma at 902-954-1908.


Enjoy this busy and fun-filled weekend! I look forward to seeing you all soon!



Rev. Brad Blaikie

November 26, 2022

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Here is what’s happening around Summerside Presbyterian this weekend.


This Sunday is the first Sunday of the season of Advent! We will be lighting our first Advent candle representing HOPE and celebrating the Sacrament of Communion. Because taking part in The Lord’s Supper is something that everyone is invited to do at SPC, our children will be staying in throughout the service. During the message “Advent – A Season for Looking Back”, the children (and all of us!) will be reminded that as we wait for the celebration of Christmas, it is important to remind ourselves how God has been at work in the past.

Our scripture readings for the service are Isaiah 9:1-4 & Romans 13:11-12. As we prepare ourselves for worship, it would be good to spend some time thinking about a moment when you might have felt God at work in your own life. Maybe you have had a moment when you felt tired, alone, or afraid and suddenly felt God’s presence. Perhaps you may even want to share during the service what that experience was like!


Participating in worship can be a very meaningful experience, particularly during the season of Advent! If you would like to take part please don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m always looking for people to read scripture, light Advent candles, take up the offering, share gifts of music – there are countless ways that you can be involved!


Do you love to sing? Have you thought about joining the choir? The choir is always ready to welcome new members! No experience is necessary and people of all skill levels are encouraged to join! If you are interested, you can speak to either myself or Dean Perry.


We are nearing the end of our Christmas food drive. Our response this year has been tremendous so a huge THANK YOU to all those who have already given. If you haven’t had a chance to take part yet, non-perishable food items can be brought with you on Sunday mornings or dropped off at the church (Tuesday, Thursday & Friday mornings) throughout the week. On the table in the foyer there is also a “Giving Jar” for those who wish to make monetary donations. Any funds received will be used to do some shopping to top up what has already been given. You are doing great work SPC!  Keep it up!

I hope to see all of you soon!



Rev. Brad Blaikie

November 19, 2022

Good morning!

Here is your weekend update with some information about what is happening in and around Summerside Presbyterian Church.


This Sunday is the last Sunday of the church calendar – a week that is often called “Reign of Christ Sunday” (or “Christ the King Sunday”). On this day we are reminded of the church’s ancient proclamation that Christ is the true King who reigns. However, our Gospel reading for the morning (Luke 23:33-43) relates a conversation that Jesus has with a known criminal while they are both hanging on crosses. In the message “Christ the King or Christ the Crucified” we will be exploring the question of what kind of king gets put to death on a cross.


Did you know that our SPC Sunday School is up and running? How exciting to have the children of the congregation joining us for the opening of worship each week! After a brief time in worship they proceed downstairs for an age-appropriate lesson and activity. If you have children (or grandchildren) that you would enjoy making new friends and learning about God’s love, we would be delighted to have them involved!


Just a reminder that our local Food Drive campaign is still happening. Non-perishable food items can be brought with you on Sunday morning, or a financial donation can be dropped in the “Giving Jar” located on the table in the foyer. The funds collected will be used to do some shopping to add to whatever items are donated. There has already been a GREAT response to this project as is evidenced by the ever-growing pile of food in the church foyer. THANK YOU to everyone who has participated so far!! If we keep up the generosity I have a feeling that this could be our largest donation to the food bank yet!


Do you have a driver’s license and a reliable vehicle? That’s all you need to get involved with our local Meals on Wheel program! There is currently a need for volunteer drivers. An hour a day can make a big difference in the lives of seniors in our community. For more information call 902-888-8335.

I hope to see you soon!




Rev. Brad Blaikie

November 12, 2022

Good Morning Everyone and welcome to a rainy Saturday!

Even though the weather is gloomy, there is still lots going on over the next couple of days to lift your spirits!


It’s hard to believe but it is that time of year again! The Three Oaks Christmas Craft sale is happening this weekend at our local Three Oaks High School. The hours are today from 9-8 pm and Sunday from 10-5 pm. This is a great opportunity to support local artisans and maybe even get a jump on that Christmas shopping list!


On Sunday we are going to listen to an ancient vision that the prophet Isaiah received concerning the coming of God’s Kingdom (Isaiah 65:17-25). In our message titled “Back to the Future”, we will be exploring how Isaiah’s vision might help us in our day-to-day lives when we feel overwhelmed and discouraged. I hope everyone will join us!


It is one of the great truths of scripture that when God’s people offer what they can – even if their offering is small – God can bless it and use it, multiplying it to do great things! Last week the Sunday School children began work to assist our congregation in collecting food for our local food bank. Food items can be brought with you on Sunday morning, or a financial donation can be dropped in the jar in the foyer. We will use the funds given to do some shopping to top up the other items donated. What an easy way to get involved in a local mission and to help those in our community!


Our local AMS group, called the Circle of Joy, will be meeting/ Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 pm at the church. I know that they are always ready to welcome new members! If you would like to be involved you can contact Marilyn Bigger at (902) 786-4050.


In the Bible, Peter writes “Each of you should use whatever gifts you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10) With that truth in mind, and as a follow-up to the discussion that took place after worship on October 23rd, I encourage everyone to prayerfully consider if you might be able to strengthen our church’s ministry in one or more of the following areas:

Fellowship (contact person is Jacqueline Reeves (902) 432-4600 and Nancy MacDougall (902) 436-3644

Mission (contact person is Wendy Gallant (902) 436-2939

Pastoral Care (contact person is Nancy Harvey (902) 887-2956

Christian Education (contact person is Debbie Richard (902) 888-8799

Worship (contact Rev. Brad (902) 888-9841

Finance & Property (contact person is Al MacIntyre (902)436-7776


If you feel called to participate in any of these ministries, please contact the identified individual!


I hope you have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you soon!


Rev. Brad Blaikie

November  4, 2022

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the weekend!  Here’s is some information that you might find useful for the weekend:


Did you know that a group within Summerside recently opened a community fridge?  What a great initiative!

Located on the corner of Foundry & Granville Streets, the community is celebrating its grand opening on Saturday at 1 pm. There will be live music, a ribbon cutting ceremony, BBQ by donation and a 50/50 draw. Food and monetary donations will also be accepted on site.  What a fun and easy way to support families in our community who are struggling to put healthy food on their tables due to rising food costs! I hope that if you are available you will join us for this celebration.

A recent comment from a Facebook user:

“Today I witnessed what seemed to be a young mother and her child getting food from the community fridge. The child was so excited at whatever she had found in the fridge that she was jumping up and down. Mom had a huge smile on her face. I got goosebumps, and a lump in my throat. I wiped happy tears from my eyes, as I continued home. I felt privileged to have witnessed this, as it gave me a snapshot of the importance of this amazing gift/service for the community that I love so much. It also gave me inspiration, greater insight and empathy. WTG everybody!”


With the approaching of Remembrance Day, our service will begin with a time of remembrance and thanksgiving for the men and women who gave of themselves for the freedoms we all enjoy. Together we will sing our national anthem, hear the names on our Honour Roll read, and then observe a moment of silence.

After our time of remembrance, we will listen for God’s Word as it comes to us from the scriptures. Many of us remember learning the story of Zacchaeus when we were children in Sunday School – that “wee little man” who climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus when he passed by. In our message, “Zacchaeus: Repentant Sinner or Hidden Saint”, we will be revisiting that story as it is found in Luke’s Gospel (Luke 19:1-10) and wondering if there might be more to Zacchaeus than we initially assumed.

I wonder if the story of Zacchaeus might have anything to say to us today about achieving peace in our lives and the world around us… ?


Also, a friendly reminder that this Sunday we set our clocks back an hour!  But don’t worry, if you forget and find yourself at church an hour early I’m sure we can find something for you to do! ?

Have a great weekend everyone! Get out, if you are able, and enjoy the beautiful weather!


Rev. Bradford Blaikie

October 28, 2022

Happy Friday Everyone!

Here is some upcoming information about what’s happening this weekend with our SPC family.


It has been quite a while since we have been able to gather together for an evening of pizza and games and we are excited to be able to do so once again!  Everyone – young and old alike – is invited to the church this evening at 5:30 pm for this informal time of food and fellowship. Bring your favourite game and as many friends as you want!  I look forward to seeing you there!


The last Sunday of October is always a busy one. In addition to being celebrated by some churches as “Reformation Sunday,” it is also a time to think about the upcoming significance of All Saints Day on November 1st. Many of us are also busy preparing for the celebration of Halloween on Monday. Despite our modern-day practices of dressing up and going “trick or treating”, is it possible that Halloween, together with All Saints Day, might point us toward a deep spiritual truth? That is the question I will be exploring in our message titled: “Who’s Afraid of the Dark?”


And last but not least, a pumpkin carving prayer. I know there is a good chance that many of us will find ourselves carving out a pumpkin over the next day or two. I came across this little “Pumpkin Carving Prayer” online and thought it was worth sharing. Lots to keep in mind as we carve this year’s jack-o-lantern!

Dear God,

As I carve my pumpkin help me say this prayer:

Open my mind so I can learn about you. (Cut the top off the pumpkin)

Take away all my sin and forgive me for the wrong things I do. (Clean out the inside)

Open my eyes so your love I will see. (Cut the eyes out)

I’m so sorry for turning up my nose to all you’ve given me. (Cut the nose out)

Open my ears so your Word I will hear. (Cut out the ears)

Open my mouth so I can tell others you’re near. (Cut out the mouth)

Let your light shine in all I say and do! Amen. (Place a candle inside and light it)

Have a fun and safe weekend!


Rev. Brad

October 22, 2022

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope that everyone is enjoying this beautiful October Saturday.


Tomorrow morning’s sermon is titled “Pharisees & Tax Collectors: Just Another Old, Outdated Story by Jesus?” and will be exploring the parable that Jesus told about the Pharisee and the tax collector going to the temple to pray (Luke 18:9-14).


Throughout the pandemic one of the things we have missed most has been the opportunity to get together with others. Therefore I am excited to be able to remind you that tomorrow after our service everyone is encouraged to join us in the Fellowship Hall for a time of tea and coffee (and treats!)  During this fellowship time we will continue our ongoing conversation about what SPC’s future ministry may look like. Please plan to join us if you are able!


The response to the food that we were able to donate to our local food bank over the Thanksgiving weekend was VERY appreciated! Thank you once again to everyone who donated food items for this great cause. Now we are moving forward to the second-phase of our food drive – you guessed it, Christmas!  Beginning tomorrow, and carrying through to the end of the season of Advent, we will be accepting more donations of non-perishable food items. Please keep this important ministry in mind as you are heading out the door on Sunday morning. What may seem like a small donation from us can make a significant difference for those struggling to make ends meet.

Blessings to each of you and I look forward to seeing you in the morning!

Rev Brad Blikie


Rev. Brad Blaikie

September 25, 2022

The Lord made the earth by his power;
by his wisdom he created the world
and stretched out the heavens.
At his command the waters above the sky roar;
he brings clouds from the ends of the earth.
He makes lightning flash in the rain
and sends the wind from his storeroom.

~ Jeremiah 10:12-13 (GNT)


As I sit down this evening to record some thoughts, I am surrounded by darkness except for a few candles that provide light. This is the end of our second day without power. Over the weekend Hurricane Fiona ravaged the Maritimes leaving in her wake a path of large-scale destruction, the likes of which we have never before seen first-hand. The night she made landfall was terrifying; sitting, again in the dark, listening to the wind as it seemed to roar and hearing things snap and break all around you – trees, hydro poles, and parts of buildings.  When daylight finally arrived, even amid the ongoing gusts, we were able to see the damaging effects that such a powerful wind can cause.  The entire experience was both humbling and remarkable!

It is tempting, and perhaps even appropriate, to join with the prophet Jeremiah and other biblical writers who see God’s awesome power on full display in such acts of nature. While the force of the storm was indeed awe-inspiring, it wasn’t necessarily the only place where power has been on display over the past several hours.  As much as feeling the power of Fiona’s winds was impressive, I have been even more impressed with how I have felt the power of God’s Spirit that has continued to blow throughout our Atlantic provinces in her aftermath. I felt the impact of God’s Spirit as my neighbours banded together to help one another. God’s power has been on display in every act of caring and kindness that we continue to see around us. It was on display when one neighbour offered me the use of his generator. On display again as another, upon having their power restored, immediately ran an extension cord from their house to my refrigerator. Still again when the farmer up the road made soup and announced to our community that his business was open, and that the soup was on the house! God is surely at work in the volunteers who are setting up and working at warming shelters, those donating time and resources, and those working tirelessly to see to it that people’s immediate needs are being met.

Yes, it is easy to look at the powerful acts of nature and see them as manifestations of God’s power. But as I have experienced over the past couple of days, God’s awesome power is most often not heard in the wind or in the fire, but rather in the gentle voice of a friend and neighbour saying, “Here, let me help.” For that kind of power, I know all of us in the Maritimes can praise God and give thanks!


Rev. Brad Blaikie