Reflections & Prayers

As you prepare for this morning’s service to begin, you are invited to
reflect on the following…

It’s possible to get an A in Bible and still flunk Christianity.”
~ Rev. Fred Craddock

What traditions do you follow that are a part of your religious heritage?

In what ways do you work harder to maintain an outward appearance
of holiness to others rather than an inner holiness to God?

Things to pray for this week…

We give thanks for those who have led worship over the past several
weeks. The sharing of their gifts have provided an opportunity for Rev.
Brad to rest and rejuvenate. May our church family be strengthened by
the ministry they have provided throughout August.

We pray for students and teachers who are returning to school and for
Sunday schools and church groups as they resume after a summer break,
that they might joyfully return to fellowship and study.

Yesterday (August 31st) was the International Day for People of
African Descent. Recognizing the violent history of colonization
faced by people of African descent, we continue to seek the
Spirit’s wisdom to end ongoing anti-Black racism.

We pray for members of our SPC’s Finance & Property Team as they
continue to share their gifts of time and talents overseeing the
faithful stewardship of our congregation’s resources.