Our mission is to know, love and serve God wherever we are and to inspire others to do the same by our thoughts, words and deeds.

Whether you are looking for specific information or simply browsing, we trust that you will enjoy our website. Please take time to send us a visitor note before you leave. Use our contact form located here.

Click on image for weekly scripture readings.

If you are looking for a church home we invite you to Contact Us  to acquire any information you may be seeking. We look forward to hearing from you.

If you are in our area, please know that you will be warmly welcomed at Summerside Presbyterian. See map here.

Our congregation will find this site useful for keeping itself updated on happenings at the church. We also encourage congregants to use this site to submit Church News for publication.

        Click on image for weekly reflections


Summerside Presbyterian wants to keep you informed of its activities and special projects. If you know of a family member, friend or acquaintance who would enjoy access to this site please feel free to invite them to connect.

If you would like to be part of our Email Ministry please contact the Church Administrator and ask to be included.

Your comments and suggestions as to how our site might better serve you are most welcome.

May God’s blessing be upon you.